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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Floods Hit South Trinidad Again


922 days ago

Flood­ing hit mul­ti­ple ar­eas of South­ern Trinidad on Fri­day af­ter­noon, sweep­ing away one ve­hi­cle along the San Fer­nan­do By­pass near South Park. 

The oc­cu­pant of the ve­hi­cle was res­cued by Trinidad and To­ba­go Fire Ser­vice of­fi­cials af­ter be­ing trapped in his B13 Nis­san for over two hours. 

Strong af­ter­noon thun­der­storms dumped heavy rain­fall across parts of west­ern coastal Trinidad, with street and flash flood­ing oc­cur­ring across San Fer­nan­do, Mara­bel­la, Vista­bel­la, Tarou­ba, Gas­par­il­lo, Cou­va, Gran Cou­va, and Arou­ca. 

Ac­cord­ing to the Of­fice of Dis­as­ter Pre­pared­ness and Man­age­ment, they re­ceived a re­port of res­i­den­tial flood­ing at Lopinot Road, Arou­ca with four sim­i­lar re­ports at Vista­bel­la Road, Don­don­ald­son Street, Gas­par­il­lo and Mon­tique Street, Mara­bel­la. 

A tree al­so fell along Pointe-a-Pierre Road, near the Au­gus­tus Long Hos­pi­tal. 

Sig­nif­i­cant flood­ing al­so af­fect­ed ma­jor road­ways like the Solomon Ho­choy High­way, with all lanes in­un­dat­ed at the Tarou­ba in­ter­change and south­bound lanes af­fect­ed at the Cou­va in­ter­change. 

Just un­der two weeks ago, one man was killed along the M2 Ring Road, Princes Town, fol­low­ing ma­jor flash flood­ing across parts of Trinidad. 

There are no alerts, watch­es, or warn­ings in ef­fect for Trinidad and To­ba­go from the Trinidad and To­ba­go Me­te­o­ro­log­i­cal Ser­vice at this time. Ac­cord­ing to the Met Of­fice, in a so­cial me­dia post ear­li­er to­day, they ad­vised, “Be on the look­out for a heavy show­er or thun­der­storm which has a 60% chance of de­vel­op­ing dur­ing the af­ter­noon, fa­vor­ing but not con­fined to west­ern ar­eas of Trinidad. 

The pull of the low-pres­sure area to our north­east will cause some mois­ture to be drawn across Trinidad and To­ba­go on Sat­ur­day 3rd Sep­tem­ber, and again to some ex­tent on Sun­day through to Mon­day, in­ter­rupt­ing some sun­shine with cloudy pe­ri­ods, show­ers in vary­ing ar­eas, and the chance of thun­der­storms in some ar­eas. 

In the event of a heavy show­er or thun­der­storm, street or flash flood­ing is like­ly, and there is a risk of land­slips/land­slides in ar­eas so prone.” 

Re­porter: Kalain Ho­sein

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