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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Flowers, tears for divers one year after Paria tragedy


Kevon Felmine
746 days ago
Dr Catherine Ali and her husband, Kazim Ali, along with family members, throw carnation flowers to honour their son, Kazim Ali Jr, during the memorial at Paria Fuel Trading Company Berth 6 Platform, Pointe-a-Pierre, yesterday.

Dr Catherine Ali and her husband, Kazim Ali, along with family members, throw carnation flowers to honour their son, Kazim Ali Jr, during the memorial at Paria Fuel Trading Company Berth 6 Platform, Pointe-a-Pierre, yesterday.


While the fam­i­lies of fall­en divers Fyzal Kur­ban, Kaz­im Ali Jr, Yusuf Hen­ry and Rishi Na­gas­sar shed tears and cried for jus­tice near Paria’s Berth No 6 yes­ter­day, re­turn­ing to the site where he lost his friends was too much for Christo­pher Boodram. He sat at the San Fer­nan­do Yacht Club with his back turned to the sea as he wait­ed for the griev­ing fam­i­lies to re­turn to shore on the one-year an­niver­sary of the hor­rif­ic tragedy at Paria Fu­el Com­pa­ny Ltd.

 “I do not think I could bear to see the site, the area of the in­ci­dent, maybe for the same rea­son I can­not look at the ocean right now and why my back is turned to it. Every time I see that par­tic­u­lar area, it is in­stant flash­backs, so I pre­fer not to put my­self through that be­cause since this whole or­deal happe ned, I still have not got­ten a prop­er night’s sleep. I still have a lot of trau­ma I am deal­ing with,” Boodram said.

As Boodram looked at his fam­i­ly, he was grate­ful to still be alive af­ter sur­viv­ing a plunge in­to a 30-inch pipeline un­der the sea. When he thought about the day, there was sad­ness that he did not re­turn to the pipe to res­cue his friends and bit­ter­ness that no one else did.

Fam­i­lies, friends and sup­port­ers of de­ceased divers met at the Yacht Club around 3 pm and got on pri­vate boats to trav­el to the Pointe-a-Pierre har­bour.

In a me­dia re­lease, Paria said it sup­port­ed the fam­i­lies’ memo­r­i­al but with port reg­u­la­tions. Paria said the Pointe-a-Pierre port was a re­strict­ed zone un­der the Ship­ping Se­cu­ri­ty Reg­u­la­tions 2004. There­fore, it could not al­low pri­vate­ly owned and op­er­at­ed ves­sels with­in 100 me­ters of the fa­cil­i­ty.

It said that Ali Jr’s wife, Jamie Man­odath-Ali, sought per­mis­sion to host an hour-long prayer and re­flec­tion on be­half of the fam­i­lies in the wa­ters sur­round­ing Berths No 5 and 6. Paria was will­ing to grant per­mis­sion un­der cer­tain safe­ty and se­cu­ri­ty guide­lines, in­clud­ing them us­ing the com­pa­ny’s owned and op­er­at­ed ves­sels. How­ev­er, Man­odath-Ali de­clined.

Paria said its in­tent was not to re­strict the fam­i­lies but to en­sure they were com­pli­ant with the rel­e­vant laws and reg­u­la­tions.

“Paria has spo­ken to the pres­i­dent of the San Fer­nan­do Yacht Club and pro­vid­ed the port ad­vi­so­ry no­tice, out­lin­ing the port re­stric­tions to be con­veyed to all pri­vate boat own­ers who will be par­tic­i­pat­ing in this af­ter­noon’s memo­r­i­al at sea.”

Paria said it held ob­ser­vance be­tween 8 am and 8.30 am on Thurs­day with a mo­ment of si­lence and safe­ty stand-down meet­ings through­out the com­pa­ny with its em­ploy­ees and con­trac­tors, dis­cussing lessons learnt and a re­view of HSE ar­eas of im­prove­ment im­ple­ment­ed.

The crews with fam­i­ly mem­bers en­coun­tered the po­lice Coastal and River­ine Pa­trol Unit close to Berth No 6. The of­fi­cers told them to stay 300 me­ters away but even­tu­al­ly al­lowed them to ven­ture clos­er.

The po­lice and coast guard kept a watch­ful eye. Tor­ment­ed by grief, Na­gas­sar’s com­mon-law wife, Vanes­sa Kussie, held on­to their four-year-old son, Nash­hik, and cried.

Hen­ry’s moth­er, Nicole Greenidge, hugged her daugh­ter, Afeisha Hen­ry, as tears streamed down their faces. Ali’s par­ents, Kaz­im Ali Snr and Dr Cather­ine Ali, broke off car­na­tion flower petals and threw them in­to the sea. Kur­ban’s fam­i­ly pumped their fists in the air, shout­ing, “We want jus­tice.”

Just a few hun­dred me­ters away, on Feb­ru­ary 25, 2022, the five divers were in­side a hy­per­bar­ic cham­ber car­ry­ing out sub­sea work on Paria’s Sealine No 36. Short­ly af­ter lunch, a Delta P event sucked the divers in­to the pipeline. Boodram es­caped by drag­ging him­self and swim­ming through the oily line. De­spite his pleas for re­spon­ders to res­cue his col­leagues, they died with­out an at­tempt made.

Diver Christopher Boodram, back turned to the sea, looks at a picture of his late colleague Fyzal Kurban at the San Fernando Yacht Club yesterday.

Diver Christopher Boodram, back turned to the sea, looks at a picture of his late colleague Fyzal Kurban at the San Fernando Yacht Club yesterday.


 A year lat­er, Boodram said they should have been cel­e­brat­ing that day as hav­ing sur­vived a close one. He on­ly came to sup­port the fam­i­lies, de­spite feel­ing like he failed to get help for his friends or re­turn to the pipe to res­cue them.
“If I did not fail, those fel­las would be here to­day, and that is the truth.”

Boodram con­tin­ues phys­io­ther­a­py and men­tal ther­a­py, which makes him un­able to work. He owes his fam­i­ly’s sur­vival to his wife, Can­dy, who is a nurse.Can­dy ad­mit­ted that the in­ci­dent changed her fam­i­ly as Boodram was a dif­fer­ent man. She said his trau­ma leads to un­nec­es­sary ar­gu­ments that nev­er oc­curred be­fore.
“I trust in God. I am a be­liev­er, and I know that one day this will pass, and we will over­come this,” Can­dy said.

Boodram hopes that he could at least re­turn to recre­ation­al div­ing one day. He ac­knowl­edges that Can­dy does not share his de­sire. He said the on­ly jus­tice avail­able for him and his friends was pros­e­cu­tions against those re­spon­si­ble for their deaths and fi­nan­cial com­pen­sa­tion for the fam­i­lies.

Boodram’s ap­peal among CoE rec­om­men­da­tions

Boodram’s ap­peal was among the rec­om­men­da­tions pro­posed to the Com­mis­sion of En­quiry (CoE) in­to the tragedy, which con­clud­ed last month. Prakash Ra­mad­har, who rep­re­sent­ed Kur­ban and Hen­ry’s fam­i­lies, rec­om­mend­ed crim­i­nal charges against Paria for fail­ing to at­tempt a res­cue and block­ing oth­ers from en­ter­ing the pipeline. Paria’s at­tor­ney, Gilbert Pe­ter­son, SC, told the CoE that the state-owned com­pa­ny had no le­gal re­spon­si­bil­i­ty to res­cue the divers. Its on­ly du­ty was to sup­port emer­gency and ac­tion res­cue plans LM­CS had for its em­ploy­ees.How­ev­er, LM­CS at­tor­ney Kami­ni Per­saud-Maraj said Paria was not blame­less in the in­ci­dent that caused the men to en­ter the pipe. Per­saud-Maraj said Paria tried to save mon­ey by re­ly­ing sole­ly on the con­trac­tor’s ex­per­tise and did not hire their own con­sul­tant to car­ry out checks and bal­ances on the main­te­nance work.CoE Coun­sel Ramesh Lawrence Ma­haraj, SC, sug­gest­ed that the CoE rec­om­mend that the Oc­cu­pa­tion­al Health and Safe­ty Au­thor­i­ty pros­e­cute both Paria and LM­CS for breach­es of the OSH Act.In a state­ment, the Caribbean Cen­tre for Hu­man Rights (CCHR) urged the CoE to rec­om­mend that the In­ter­na­tion­al Covenant on Civ­il and Po­lit­i­cal Rights form part of T&T’s laws. The CCHR said hu­man rights go be­yond le­gal rights and is­sues be­cause they are uni­ver­sal, in­di­vis­i­ble, and ir­rev­o­ca­ble. These re­main the rights of all hu­man be­ings, in­clud­ing those trapped in a 30-inch pipeline buried be­neath the seabed.CoE Chair­man Jerome Lynch, QC, is ex­pect­ed to de­liv­er a draft re­port of the find­ings in­to the in­ci­dent to the Pres­i­dent of T&T in April. Lynch still has to view the hy­per­bar­ic cham­ber on March 14 and 15.

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