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Monday, March 24, 2025

Forde hopes to bring home Tunapuna again

... gets support from PM during walkabout


Dareece Polo
4 days ago
Tunapuna MP Esmond Forde, left, greets Tunapuna residents during his walkabout in the constituency yesterday.

Tunapuna MP Esmond Forde, left, greets Tunapuna residents during his walkabout in the constituency yesterday.



Se­nior Re­porter


Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment for Tu­na­puna, Es­mond Forde, is seek­ing to se­cure a hat-trick and win the seat again for the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM), though he yes­ter­day ac­knowl­edged the chal­leng­ing road ahead.

He made the com­ment while ad­dress­ing re­porters fol­low­ing a walk­a­bout in his con­stituen­cy with Prime Min­is­ter Stu­art Young, where sup­port­ers gath­ered en masse. 

This was Young’s first vis­it to an­oth­er con­stituen­cy since be­com­ing Prime Min­is­ter and an­nounc­ing the elec­tion date.

Al­though he ex­pressed grat­i­tude for be­ing cho­sen, Forde de­scribed the lead-up to his se­lec­tion as a “tur­bu­lent time” de­spite his track record. How­ev­er, he did not ex­pand on that sen­ti­ment.

He ex­plained that al­though the com­mu­ni­ty should be a wa­ter­shed, the wa­ter was be­ing di­vert­ed to oth­er ar­eas, leav­ing Mara­cas Val­ley on a sched­uled wa­ter sup­ply.

An­oth­er chal­lenge in­volves the con­struc­tion of a road­way from Five Rivers, which in­cludes a bridge over the cause­way. Forde said this would mit­i­gate against the po­ten­tial wors­en­ing of traf­fic prob­lems with the Hous­ing De­vel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion (HDC) plan­ning to de­liv­er 200 hous­es on Cau­ra Road and 25 on Scott Street in Tu­na­puna. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, crime and em­ploy­ment re­main sig­nif­i­cant con­cerns.

He said de­spite these con­cerns, he aims to at­tract both sup­port­ers and non-sup­port­ers.

“You have to en­com­pass the whole con­stituen­cy, and that is what I’ve been try­ing to show Bal­isi­er House and the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment ex­ec­u­tive. It’s not on­ly about the PNM peo­ple; it’s about the Hin­dus, it’s about the Mus­lims, well, we have to say the Chi­nese now too. It’s about the Cau­casians, it’s about the Africans. So I need to en­com­pass all.”

He be­lieves this in­clu­siv­i­ty is why peo­ple con­sid­er him a strong rep­re­sen­ta­tive, as he is of­ten seen in peo­ple’s homes. He feels this net­work­ing will help peo­ple ap­pre­ci­ate him and his par­ty, in­clud­ing PM Young.

Forde said he had no ap­pre­hen­sion about any po­ten­tial chal­lenger, dis­miss­ing ru­mours of a ri­val can­di­date.

“There was a strong ru­mour of Mr Jack Warn­er com­ing. There was a very strong ru­mour, heavy, heavy ru­mour. Over Car­ni­val, I met his two sons. I know them be­cause I was in­volved in foot­ball. So, I con­front­ed them, and they said, ‘Mr Forde, dad­dy is not com­ing. Dad­dy is over with it. So, who­ev­er they send, we’ll be ready. I have a head start.”

For­mer Tu­na­puna MP Ed­ward “Ed­die” Hart, who served three terms over a 15-year pe­ri­od with the PNM, ex­pressed his full con­fi­dence in Young and Forde ahead of the polls. He de­scribed the PNM as “the on­ly true par­ty” and praised Row­ley for his “mag­nif­i­cent job” in pass­ing the ba­ton to Young. How­ev­er, Hart called for greater ef­forts to en­gage com­mu­ni­ties and iden­ti­fy tal­ent­ed ath­letes to fur­ther de­vel­op the sports sec­tor.

“I would like to see a re­sump­tion of that. I would like to see tal­ent scouts go­ing out there un­earthing the tal­ent that we have,” he said.

PNM sup­port­ers such as Tu­na­puna re­tiree Lor­na Graves, 74, spoke high­ly of their rep­re­sen­ta­tive, stat­ing they are “red and ready” to sup­port him.

Graves cred­it­ed Forde with fix­ing roads and pave­ments, as well as en­sur­ing that peo­ple had “food to eat” dur­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic.

A few non-PNM sup­port­ers, who spoke anony­mous­ly to Guardian Me­dia, ex­pressed mixed views. A clothes ven­dor near the Tu­na­puna mar­ket said they had lit­tle to com­plain about, aside from crime, which is a na­tion­al is­sue. How­ev­er, a shoe re­pair­man said Forde shook his hand twice be­tween 2010 and 2020 to se­cure his vote for the gen­er­al elec­tions of those years but did noth­ing af­ter­wards.

A mar­ket ven­dor, who spoke on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty, com­plained about poor light­ing in the mar­ket, in­ad­e­quate ven­ti­la­tion, and un­san­i­tary fish vend­ing sta­tions, adding that cus­tomers sweat while shop­ping. He said ven­dors pay their dues and re­new their li­cence fees, amount­ing to al­most $100,000.

He ac­knowl­edged that Forde works hard but ex­pressed the need for bet­ter rep­re­sen­ta­tion from the Tu­na­puna/Pi­ar­co Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion.

“He’s try­ing, but the Cor­po­ra­tion is not try­ing hard enough where the mar­ket is con­cerned.”

Tu­na­puna res­i­dent Rae Seabrun, who does not sup­port any po­lit­i­cal par­ty but votes based on the rep­re­sen­ta­tive, said that while more can be done, she be­lieves her MP is work­ing hard.

“We don’t have to de­pend all the time for the gov­ern­ment to do every­thing; we can help our­selves. But at the same time, you need as­sis­tance and guid­ance, which comes from the gov­ern­ment. Es­mond Forde has been do­ing a lot. Like every­thing else, he’s an in­di­vid­ual, and all of us will have our is­sues. He tries his best. He has done good while he was here,” she said.

The UNC has not yet re­vealed its can­di­date for Tu­na­puna, but Op­po­si­tion leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar told Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day that she has “full con­fi­dence” in their abil­i­ty to win both Tu­na­puna and the gen­er­al elec­tion.

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