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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Government improves wage offer to UWI


21 days ago
UWI Administration Building ,St Augustine.

UWI Administration Building ,St Augustine.

The Min­is­ter of Fi­nance has ad­vised that gov­ern­ment has giv­en the UWI Ad­min­is­tra­tion an im­proved of­fer for a wage in­crease of 6% for the 6-year pe­ri­od Au­gust 2014 to Ju­ly 2020.

The new of­fer will cost $23 mil­lion per year in ad­di­tion­al re­cur­rent costs for UWI and re­sult in back­pay of $165 mil­lion, all of which the Gov­ern­ment has agreed to pay on UWI’s be­half.

Over the past few weeks, the West In­di­an Group of Uni­ver­si­ty Teach­ers (WIGUT) launched a Red Rev­o­lu­tion protest by march­ing to the of­fice of prin­ci­pal Prof Rose-Marie Belle An­toine, to de­mand an in­crease.

Mem­bers were al­so urged to per­sist in with­hold­ing grades and shut­ting down all op­er­a­tions, in­clud­ing non-at­ten­dance at ex­am­i­na­tion meet­ings.

This week was pro­posed to be White­wash Week from Jan­u­ary 27-31 which will see mem­bers wear­ing white in a week of “rest and re­flec­tion.”

From Feb­ru­ary 3-7, a Black­out Week was pro­posed with mem­bers wear­ing black all week.

WIGUT is yet to re­spond to the Min­istry's pro­pos­al.

MInistry of FinanceColm ImbertUWIInstagram

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