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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

GPL denies links to barge leaking fuel in Tobago waters


Kalain Hosein
377 days ago
Volunteers assist with removing some of the debris from the oil spill at Petit Trou beach, Lambeau, and surrounding areas last week.

Volunteers assist with removing some of the debris from the oil spill at Petit Trou beach, Lambeau, and surrounding areas last week.




The Guyana Pow­er and Light Inc. (GPL) last night de­nied it has any links to the sunken barge in To­ba­go’s wa­ters.

The re­sponse came af­ter Guyana Vice Pres­i­dent Bhar­rat Jagdeo’s call for a full probe, af­ter Guyana me­dia out­let News Source re­port­ed GPL’s pos­si­ble links to a deal in­volv­ing a fu­el ship­ment to the state-owned com­pa­ny.

In a state­ment, GPL said it “is aware of the re­cent oil spill that oc­curred off the coast of Trinidad and To­ba­go and joins with the rest of Guyana in ex­press­ing its con­cern re­gard­ing the en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pli­ca­tions and im­pact on the peo­ple of Trinidad and To­ba­go.”

Re­count­ing the cir­cum­stances, GPL said they ten­dered for the sup­ply and de­liv­ery of heavy fu­el oil in June 2023 via na­tion­al com­pet­i­tive bid­ding.

Ac­cord­ing to GPL, six bids were re­ceived. GPL said the ten­der was award­ed on Oc­to­ber 24, 2023, to Staat­solie Maatschap­pij Suri­name N.V., which was the first-ranked bid­der.

GPL said an ad­di­tion­al award for the sup­ply and de­liv­ery of heavy fu­el oil was award­ed to the joint ven­ture Rapid Re­sults Inc. and Os­h­er In­ter­na­tion­al Hold­ings LLC (the sec­ond-ranked bid­der) to aug­ment GPL’s in­creas­ing con­sump­tion of heavy fu­el oil and sup­ply re­quire­ments.

The terms of both con­tracts re­quire the sup­pli­ers to de­liv­er the fu­el to GPL’s ports along the De­mer­ara Riv­er. GPL added, “Ti­tle, own­er­ship, and risk of loss for the fu­el pass­es from the sup­pli­ers to GPL at the dis­charge port.”

GPL said it had not re­ceived any no­ti­fi­ca­tion from any of its con­tract­ed fu­el sup­pli­ers that they had en­coun­tered dif­fi­cul­ties with their ves­sel(s), re­sult­ing in the loss of car­go.

GPL said it wished “to un­equiv­o­cal­ly state that the com­pa­ny is not re­lat­ed to this un­for­tu­nate in­ci­dent.”

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