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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Greenvale residents spend night worried


Rhondor Dowlat-Rostant
1295 days ago
Greenvale Wednesday night.

Greenvale Wednesday night.

The river­bank around the im­me­di­ate out­skirts of Green­vale homes were late Wednes­day night at 90 per cent ca­pac­i­ty and res­i­dents of Green­vale were brac­ing for the worst.

Speak­ing with the Guardian Me­dia on Wednes­day night, a res­i­dent said the flood­wa­ters are ris­ing but thank­ful­ly no homes were af­fect­ed yet as up to 9.30 pm.

The res­i­dent said every time it floods they re­live the tragedy of the flood­ing sev­er­al years ago.

"We are okay though tonight but I need Di­vine Con­nec­tion to get out of Green­vale. It is too much men­tal­ly. Not that we are over­tak­en with wor­ries but it is some­thing we can avoid. Life should be en­joyed al­so not on­ly look­ing out for flood," the res­i­dent said.

Through­out the day there were heavy rain­fall and thun­der­show­ers caus­ing wide­spread flood­ing and flash flood­ing through­out Trinidad.

Greenvale Wednesday night.

Greenvale Wednesday night.

Ac­cord­ing to the up­date is­sued by the Me­te­o­ro­log­i­cal Of­fice, the Ad­verse Weath­er Alert has been dis­con­tin­ued.

"Ad­verse weath­er con­di­tions as­so­ci­at­ed with the In­ter-Trop­i­cal Con­ver­gence Zone (ITCZ), have di­min­ished and set­tled con­di­tions are ex­pect­ed to con­tin­ue. There are, how­ev­er, some ar­eas still af­fect­ed by flood­wa­ters (re­fer to River­ine Flood Alert #2 - OR­ANGE LEV­EL)," the Met of­fice stat­ed.

It al­so stat­ed that riv­er lev­els are crit­i­cal along the Ca­roni Riv­er with low­er banks at spilling lev­el, "There con­tin­ue to be re­ports of small­er wa­ter­cours­es be­ing filled with flood­ing in low ly­ing ar­eas. Oth­er ma­jor rivers are con­tained at this time and are be­ing close­ly mon­i­tored."

In Oc­to­ber 2018, sev­er­al res­i­dents at Green­vale had to be evac­u­at­ed as flood­wa­ters raged in­to their homes de­stroy­ing ap­pli­ances and fur­ni­ture. Res­i­dents took more than a year to re­cov­er ful­ly from their loss­es but the trau­ma still lingers.

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