With news that Tropical Storm Karen was upon T&T, some Greenvale residents moved out of the area on Saturday and Sunday in fear of devastating floods and reliving the October 19, 2018, nightmare.
However, most said they thought that the relevant authorities were much more prepared than last year and took the chance to stay in their respective homes.
Those who lived in the condos at Calverly Avenue and Baltic Avenue moved their appliances and furniture to the upper floors as a safeguard measure.
Resident Patsy Telesford, 66, told Guardian Media that when she heard about the storm she was very much afraid.
“I was very frightened because I remember the last time how everything was destroyed but when we drove around and see the river not so high we didn’t worry so much again. They dredged the river and HDC was more prepared because they came in and supplied flood bags for us,” Telesford said.
HDC’s regional manager Brendon George, who was stationed near the Greenvale Police Youth Club on Sunday, said they were distributing flood bags as one of their preventative measures instructed by HDCs managing director Brent Lyons.
He also added two ten-inch pumps were installed to pump out the excess floodwaters, “We tested the pumps out on Saturday and it was all set and ready to go but we didn’t have to depend on the pumps today (Sunday) as the floodwaters did not enter the area.”
In preparation for the adverse weather, members of the HDC’s emergency preparedness and response team visited some of the HDC’s most vulnerable communities such as Greenvale Park, Oropune Gardens, Edinburgh South and Harmony Hall, Gasparillo to assess water levels in nearby watercourses, distribute flood bags and implement other preparedness measures.
The team, led by the managing director, Brent Lyons, was also in contact with first responders and the relevant municipal corporation to ensure that the necessary response approaches will be adopted in a timely and coordinated manner if any of our most vulnerable communities are impacted.
Contact was also made with the Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC) to ensure that the ELDAM buses can be used to transport persons with disabilities and the elderly within these communities, should the need arise. Other private transport providers have also been put on alert to provide the necessary support to residents.
“The emergency preparedness and response team stands ready to assist the first responders and the other state agencies in the execution of their response efforts as they relate to HDC housing communities,” the HDC said.
Early on Sunday morning Lyons and a small team visited Greenvale Park and Oropune Gardens to do another analysis of the situation.
“The HDC urges residents to be vigilant and alert and pay specific attention to the warnings from the relevant agencies and media,” the HDC said.