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Friday, March 7, 2025

Indian billionaire puts T&T on 'vacation wish-list' after sharing DilENadan's 'Nack Ah Ting'


Sampson Nanton
926 days ago
Anand Mahindra

Anand Mahindra

by Samp­son Nan­ton

The chair­man of a Mum­bai-based US$20 bil­lion com­pa­ny op­er­at­ing in more than 100 coun­tries, has tweet­ed that Trinidad and To­ba­go has topped his va­ca­tion wish-list af­ter he viewed the Chut­ney So­ca tune 'Nack Ah Ting' by Ray­mond Ram­nar­ine and DilE­Nadan.

The busi­ness­man is bil­lion­aire Anand Mahin­dra, the chair­man of the Mahin­dra Group, which op­er­ates 25 in­dus­tries in­clud­ing aerostruc­tures, au­to­mo­tive, clean en­er­gy, con­struc­tion equip­ment, farm equip­ment, rur­al hous­ing fi­nance, de­fence, steel and re­al es­tate, and em­ploys over 250,000 peo­ple.

The Group con­tains over 150 com­pa­nies and Mahin­dra has a net worth of US$2.2 bil­lion.

On Mon­day, Mahin­dra shared the DilE­Nadan video on his Twit­ter ac­count of 9.6 mil­lion peo­ple un­der what he called 'Mon­day Mo­ti­va­tion'.

"This isn’t the usu­al, #Mon­day­Mo­ti­va­tion type of re­flec­tion. But I think it guar­an­tees an up­beat start to the week! And Trinidad goes to the top of my va­ca­tion des­ti­na­tion wish-list," he said.

The clip he shared was 2.20 min­utes long and fea­tured the band per­form­ing their song, which pre­miered on De­cem­ber 18, 2020.

The video, filmed on the bank of a riv­er, in­volved a game of All Fours and a lim­ing group danc­ing and singing.

It has been viewed over 3.8 mil­lion times on Youtube.

An ar­ti­cle pub­lished by ti­tled 'Anand Mahin­dra Shares Up­beat In­di­an-Trinida­di­an Fu­sion Mashup' de­scribed DilE­Nadan's Youtube song as "a dy­nam­ic video song from Trinidad that has some pop­u­lar Hin­di tracks blend­ed per­fect­ly with in­dige­nous mu­sic."

"As the cam­era pans around, singer Ray­mond Ram­nar­ine is seen rap­ping in Eng­lish. How­ev­er, he soon blends some old Hin­di songs in­clud­ing Dee­wana Hua Badal from the film Kash­mir Ki Kali and Pal Bhar Ke Liye from Johny Mera Naam," it not­ed.

As of to­day, it was viewed 198,800 times on Mahin­dra's Twit­ter feed.

"Su­perb mix and match of the very fa­mous reg­gae mu­sic from the West In­dies the land of sil­ver sand, clean beach­es, hip hop & rap with mind­blow­ing old Hin­di songs Sim­bly su­perb­hh," one Mahin­dra fol­low­er, Nitin Terdalkar said.

An­oth­er fol­low­er Yo­gesh Barot added, "Thank sir, For me, this should be played on Fri­day af­ter­noon to set­up mood for the week­end start but for ge­nius this will played as start of the week to set­up tam­po high for the en­tire week."

"Go­ing there for sure," said Ray.

Mahin­dra is in­clud­ed by For­tune Mag­a­zine among the 'World's 50 Great­est Lead­ers' and was in the mag­a­zine's 2011 list­ing of Asia's 25 most pow­er­ful busi­ness­peo­ple.

He was not­ed by Forbes (In­dia) as their 'En­tre­pre­neur of the Year' for 2013 and was giv­en the Pad­ma Bhushan Award, the third high­est civil­ian award in In­dia, in Jan­u­ary 2020.

Anand Mahindra's tweet

Anand Mahindra's tweet

DilE­Nadan is a pre­mier T&T-based In­do-Caribbean/Chut­ney-So­ca Crossover band, that al­so de­liv­ers au­then­tic East In­di­an clas­si­cal, Bol­ly­wood and pop.

Lead vo­cal­ist Ray­mond Ram­nar­ine is con­sid­ered to be one of the biggest stars in the Chut­ney So­ca in­dus­try.

The band has been dom­i­nat­ing the mu­sic scene for over a decade with high en­er­gy and en­ter­tain­ing mu­sic.

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