Greenvale, La Horquetta residents got a new theme song yesterday, as reggae artiste Isasha released his new song “We Got Love” and shot a video for it in the area yesterday evening.
Isasha, whose real name is Brendan Young, also resides in the area and was among those flooded out when the waters rose a week ago.
The song, which was released to residents on Wednesday night, references the disaster but focuses on the response of good-natured people of Trinidad and Tobago thereafter.
“But this song was really influenced off of the flood, ‘cause I was a victim of the flood. I get to put in my little two cents in it and it really impact a different way on the people and I just hope it give the people a little hope and you know what, don’t give up. No matter how hard it is, we’ll get through this and this and all shall pass,” Isasha said.
While the community is still in recovery mode, the song reflected the changing mood of the area over the week.
The spirit of many within the community moved from dour to a bit more optimistic following various donations from Good Samaritans as well as state agencies who continued to do work in the area and bring relief to those severely affected.
Music heard from homes with restored electricity moved residents and volunteers alike yesterday, while some youngsters even took some time away from the clean-up activity to play football.
Throughout the day, Isasha walked through the community sharing words of support with his neighbours.
“I give thanks for everyone in the community because everybody really came out and support and help one another. As I say, out of something bad, we get something good out of it, because the people actually come together,” Young said.
Isasha said La Horquetta/Talparo MP Maxie Cuffie visited him on Wednesday and had asked him to do a song, but he told the T&T Guardian that We Got Love was already in works before the visit. He praised the MP’s willingness to come to the area to provide aid despite his medical situation over the past year.
“He want to come out, he want to meet the people, he want to help,” Isasha said.