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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Isasha shoots video for song in Greenvale


Peter Christopher
2323 days ago
Local reggae singer Brendon "Isasha” Young performs his new track "We Got Love" with Greenvale residents during the shooting his video  yesterday. Isasha is one of hundreds of Greenvale residents whose homes were flooded out.

Local reggae singer Brendon "Isasha” Young performs his new track "We Got Love" with Greenvale residents during the shooting his video yesterday. Isasha is one of hundreds of Greenvale residents whose homes were flooded out.


Green­vale, La Hor­quet­ta res­i­dents got a new theme song yes­ter­day, as reg­gae artiste Isas­ha re­leased his new song “We Got Love” and shot a video for it in the area yes­ter­day evening.

Isas­ha, whose re­al name is Bren­dan Young, al­so re­sides in the area and was among those flood­ed out when the wa­ters rose a week ago.

The song, which was re­leased to res­i­dents on Wednes­day night, ref­er­ences the dis­as­ter but fo­cus­es on the re­sponse of good-na­tured peo­ple of Trinidad and To­ba­go there­after.

“But this song was re­al­ly in­flu­enced off of the flood, ‘cause I was a vic­tim of the flood. I get to put in my lit­tle two cents in it and it re­al­ly im­pact a dif­fer­ent way on the peo­ple and I just hope it give the peo­ple a lit­tle hope and you know what, don’t give up. No mat­ter how hard it is, we’ll get through this and this and all shall pass,” Isas­ha said.

While the com­mu­ni­ty is still in re­cov­ery mode, the song re­flect­ed the chang­ing mood of the area over the week.

The spir­it of many with­in the com­mu­ni­ty moved from dour to a bit more op­ti­mistic fol­low­ing var­i­ous do­na­tions from Good Samar­i­tans as well as state agen­cies who con­tin­ued to do work in the area and bring re­lief to those se­vere­ly af­fect­ed.

Mu­sic heard from homes with re­stored elec­tric­i­ty moved res­i­dents and vol­un­teers alike yes­ter­day, while some young­sters even took some time away from the clean-up ac­tiv­i­ty to play foot­ball.

Through­out the day, Isas­ha walked through the com­mu­ni­ty shar­ing words of sup­port with his neigh­bours.

“I give thanks for every­one in the com­mu­ni­ty be­cause every­body re­al­ly came out and sup­port and help one an­oth­er. As I say, out of some­thing bad, we get some­thing good out of it, be­cause the peo­ple ac­tu­al­ly come to­geth­er,” Young said.

Isas­ha said La Hor­quet­ta/Tal­paro MP Max­ie Cuffie vis­it­ed him on Wednes­day and had asked him to do a song, but he told the T&T Guardian that We Got Love was al­ready in works be­fore the vis­it. He praised the MP’s will­ing­ness to come to the area to pro­vide aid de­spite his med­ical sit­u­a­tion over the past year.

“He want to come out, he want to meet the peo­ple, he want to help,” Isas­ha said.

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