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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Israel signals wider offensive in Gaza’s south, where hundreds of thousands have fled


494 days ago
Smoke rises after an Israeli strike on the Gaza Strip on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Smoke rises after an Israeli strike on the Gaza Strip on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Leo Correa

Is­raeli forces dropped leaflets warn­ing Pales­tini­ans to flee parts of south­ern Gaza, res­i­dents said Thurs­day, sig­nal­ing a pos­si­ble ex­pan­sion of their of­fen­sive to ar­eas where hun­dreds of thou­sands of peo­ple who heed­ed ear­li­er evac­u­a­tion or­ders are crowd­ed in­to U.N.-run shel­ters and fam­i­ly homes.

Mean­while, sol­diers con­tin­ued search­ing Shi­fa Hos­pi­tal in the north, in a raid that be­gan ear­ly Wednes­day. They dis­played guns they say were found hid­den in one build­ing, but have yet to re­lease any ev­i­dence of the cen­tral Hamas com­mand cen­ter that Is­rael has said is con­cealed be­neath the com­plex. Hamas and staff at the hos­pi­tal, Gaza’s largest, de­ny the al­le­ga­tions.

Broad­en­ing op­er­a­tions to the south — where Is­rael al­ready car­ries out dai­ly air raids — threat­ens to wors­en an al­ready se­vere hu­man­i­tar­i­an cri­sis in the be­sieged ter­ri­to­ry. Over 1.5 mil­lion peo­ple have been in­ter­nal­ly dis­placed in Gaza, with most hav­ing fled to the south, where food, wa­ter and elec­tric­i­ty are in­creas­ing­ly scarce.

It’s not clear where else they could go, as Egypt re­fus­es to al­low a mass trans­fer on­to its soil.

The war, now in its sixth week, was trig­gered by a wide-rang­ing Hamas at­tack in­to south­ern Is­rael on Oct. 7 in which the mil­i­tants killed over 1,200 peo­ple, most­ly civil­ians, and cap­tured some 240 men, women and chil­dren. Is­rael re­spond­ed with a week­s­long air cam­paign and a ground in­va­sion of north­ern Gaza, vow­ing to re­move Hamas from pow­er and crush its mil­i­tary ca­pa­bil­i­ties.

More than 11,200 Pales­tini­ans have been killed, two-thirds of them women and mi­nors, ac­cord­ing to Pales­tin­ian health au­thor­i­ties. An­oth­er 2,700 have been re­port­ed miss­ing, with most be­lieved to be buried un­der the rub­ble. The of­fi­cial count does not dif­fer­en­ti­ate be­tween civil­ian and mil­i­tant deaths, and Is­rael says it has killed thou­sands of mil­i­tants.

The war has in­flamed ten­sions else­where. On Thurs­day, gun­men shot and wound­ed four peo­ple at a check­point on the main road link­ing Jerusalem to Is­raeli set­tle­ments in the oc­cu­pied West Bank. Po­lice said three at­tack­ers were killed and a search for oth­ers was un­der­way.


Is­raeli troops stormed in­to Gaza’s largest hos­pi­tal Wednes­day, search­ing for traces of Hamas in­side and be­neath the fa­cil­i­ty, where new­borns and hun­dreds of oth­er pa­tients have suf­fered for days with­out elec­tric­i­ty and oth­er ba­sic ne­ces­si­ties.

Troops searched the un­der­ground lev­els of the hos­pi­tal on Thurs­day and de­tained tech­ni­cians re­spon­si­ble for run­ning its equip­ment, the Health Min­istry in Hamas-run Gaza said in a state­ment.

In this im­age tak­en from a video re­leased by the Is­raeli De­fense Forces on Tues­day, Nov. 14, 2023, an Is­raeli sol­dier holds a weapon in Gaza City. (Is­rael De­fense Forces via AP)

The mil­i­tary said its sol­diers were ac­com­pa­nied by med­ical teams bring­ing in in­cu­ba­tors and oth­er sup­plies.

Af­ter en­cir­cling Shi­fa for days, Is­rael faces pres­sure to prove its claim that Hamas used the pa­tients, staff and civil­ians shel­ter­ing there to pro­vide cov­er for its fight­ers. The al­le­ga­tion is part of Is­rael’s broad­er ac­cu­sa­tion that Hamas us­es Pales­tini­ans as hu­man shields.

The mil­i­tary re­leased video from in­side Shi­fa show­ing three duf­fel bags it said it found hid­den around an MRI lab, each con­tain­ing an as­sault ri­fle, grenades and Hamas uni­forms, as well as a clos­et that con­tained a num­ber of as­sault ri­fles with­out am­mu­ni­tion clips. The As­so­ci­at­ed Press could not in­de­pen­dent­ly ver­i­fy the Is­raeli claims that the weapons were found in­side the hos­pi­tal.

A Pales­tin­ian boy stands among the de­struc­tion af­ter Is­raeli strikes on Rafah, Gaza Strip, Wednes­day, Nov. 15, 2023. (AP Pho­to/Hatem Ali)

Hamas and Gaza health of­fi­cials de­ny mil­i­tants op­er­ate in Shi­fa — a hos­pi­tal that em­ploys some 1,500 peo­ple and has more than 500 beds. Pales­tini­ans and rights groups ac­cuse Is­rael of reck­less­ly en­dan­ger­ing civil­ians.

Mu­nir al-Boursh, a se­nior of­fi­cial with Gaza’s Health Min­istry in­side the hos­pi­tal, said troops ran­sacked the base­ment and oth­er build­ings, and ques­tioned and face-screened pa­tients, staff and peo­ple shel­ter­ing in the fa­cil­i­ty.

Is­raeli forces bat­tled mil­i­tants out­side the hos­pi­tal for days, but there were no re­ports of mil­i­tants fir­ing from in­side Shi­fa, or of any fight­ing with­in the hos­pi­tal af­ter Is­raeli troops en­tered.

At one point, tens of thou­sands of Pales­tini­ans flee­ing Is­raeli bom­bard­ment were shel­ter­ing at Shi­fa, but most left in re­cent days as the fight­ing drew clos­er.

The Health Min­istry said 40 pa­tients, in­clud­ing three ba­bies, have died since Shi­fa’s emer­gency gen­er­a­tor ran out of fu­el Sat­ur­day. There was no word on the con­di­tion of an­oth­er 36 ba­bies, who the min­istry said ear­li­er were at risk of dy­ing be­cause there is no pow­er for in­cu­ba­tors.


The leaflets, dropped in ar­eas east of the south­ern town of Khan You­nis, warned civil­ians to evac­u­ate and said any­one in the vicin­i­ty of mil­i­tants or their po­si­tions “is putting his life in dan­ger.” Sim­i­lar leaflets were dropped over north­ern Gaza for weeks ahead of the ground in­va­sion.

Two re­porters who live east of Khan You­nis con­firmed see­ing the leaflets. Oth­ers shared im­ages of the leaflets on so­cial me­dia. The mil­i­tary de­clined to com­ment.

De­fense Min­is­ter Yoav Gal­lant said Wednes­day the ground op­er­a­tion will even­tu­al­ly “in­clude both the north and south. We will strike Hamas wher­ev­er it is.”

The mil­i­tary says it has large­ly con­sol­i­dat­ed its con­trol of the north, in­clud­ing seiz­ing and de­mol­ish­ing gov­ern­ment build­ings. Video re­leased by the army Thurs­day showed sol­diers mov­ing be­tween heav­i­ly dam­aged build­ings through holes blown in their walls.

The mil­i­tary said it had blown up a res­i­dence be­long­ing to Is­mail Haniyeh, a se­nior Hamas leader based abroad. It was un­clear if any­one was in­side the build­ing.

With most of Gaza’s 2.3 mil­lion peo­ple crowd­ed in­to the ter­ri­to­ry’s south, res­i­dents say bread is scarce and su­per­mar­ket shelves are bare. Fam­i­lies cook on wood fires for lack of fu­el. Cen­tral elec­tric­i­ty and run­ning wa­ter have been out for weeks.

The wors­en­ing fu­el short­age threat­ens to par­a­lyze the de­liv­ery of hu­man­i­tar­i­an ser­vices and shut down mo­bile phone and in­ter­net ser­vice.

Is­rael al­lowed a small amount of fu­el to en­ter Gaza on Wednes­day, for the first time since the war be­gan, so that the U.N. agency for Pales­tin­ian refugees could con­tin­ue bring­ing lim­it­ed sup­plies of aid.

The fu­el can­not be used for hos­pi­tals or to de­sali­nate wa­ter, and cov­ers less than 10% of what the agency needs to sus­tain “life­sav­ing ac­tiv­i­ties,” said Thomas White, the agency’s Gaza di­rec­tor.

Chehayeb re­port­ed from Beirut. As­so­ci­at­ed Press writ­ers Amy Teibel and Melanie Lid­man in Jerusalem con­tributed to this re­port.


KHAN YOU­NIS, Gaza Strip (AP)


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