Joint funeral for murder victim and mom who died hours later - Trinidad Guardian Trinidad and Tobago Guardian Online

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Joint funeral for murder victim and mom who died hours later


Sascha Wilson
98 days ago

Se­nior Re­porter


A dou­ble fu­ner­al was held yes­ter­day for mur­der vic­tim Ger­ard “Andy” Fe­lix and his moth­er, who died at a hos­pi­tal hours af­ter her son was killed.

The cas­kets bear­ing the bod­ies of 55-year-old Fe­lix and his moth­er Ce­celia were placed side by side at the Al­pha Min­istries Tem­ple Beau­ti­ful Church in Pe­nal.

Fe­lix, a fa­ther of three, and his cousin Mario De Leon were killed at 7 pm last Wednes­day, af­ter gun­men opened fire on them out­side the home of Fe­lix’s son.

Fe­lix’s moth­er died the fol­low­ing morn­ing at 3 am.

Fe­lix’s niece, Sh­erniece Fe­lix, said her un­cle loved his moth­er (her grand­moth­er) dear­ly and nev­er want­ed to live with­out her.

She said ear­li­er on that fate­ful day, he had spent time with his moth­er at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal. 

“I glad that he spent his last day and last hour with his moth­er. He al­ways said that he can’t live with­out his moth­er and well we see him to­day,” she said.

De­scrib­ing her grand­moth­er as a prayer war­rior, Sh­erniece said she was in­de­pen­dent and worked hard to en­sure that her chil­dren “did not grow up in pover­ty.”

In her eu­lo­gy, Fe­lix’s daugh­ter, Ariel, re­mem­bered her fa­ther as a jol­ly and lov­ing per­son.

Her friend read the eu­lo­gy on her be­half.

She said Fe­lix’s love for his fam­i­ly knew no bounds and she de­scribed her fa­ther as her rock.

“It was the small every­day mo­ments that made him who he was, full of life, hu­mour and love. Andy Fe­lix was not just the fix-it man he was the man who could do it all.”

Grate­ful for the un­for­get­table mem­o­ries of Fe­lix, his daugh­ter said, “His smile his en­er­gy his un­wa­ver­ing en­er­gy to those he loved are those things we will car­ry on with us.”

Fe­lix and his moth­er were laid to rest at the Batchyia  Ceme­tery in Pe­nal.

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