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Monday, February 3, 2025

Judge stops funeral for autopsy


709 days ago

A High Court Judge has grant­ed an in­junc­tion stop­ping the fu­ner­al of an 88-year-old San Juan woman to al­low for an au­top­sy to de­ter­mine whether she starved to death.

Jus­tice Frank Seep­er­sad grant­ed the in­junc­tion to the woman’s daugh­ter Nef­fritte Bo­cas-Larkin yes­ter­day af­ter­noon, short­ly be­fore the fu­ner­al was due to take place at 3 pm. 

In 2020, Bo­cas-Larkin, who re­sides in the US, sued her sis­ter El­isha Bo­cas over al­leged­ly deny­ing her ac­cess to their moth­er Toolin, and their fam­i­ly home at El So­cor­ro Road, San Juan.  

Bo­cas-Larkin claimed that be­fore their fa­ther Ah­mid Bo­cas passed away he ex­e­cut­ed a will in which he left the prop­er­ty to his wife and his four chil­dren. She claimed that af­ter her fa­ther’s fu­ner­al, her sis­ter took cus­tody of their el­der­ly moth­er and the house. 

In 2021, High Court Judge Joan Charles grant­ed an in­junc­tion grant­i­ng Bo­cas-Larkin ac­cess to her moth­er and the prop­er­ty on her pe­ri­od­ic trips to Trinidad. 

In the court fil­ings, Bo­cas-Larkin claimed she was forced to again seek ju­di­cial in­ter­ven­tion as her sis­ter al­leged­ly sought to take full con­trol of the prop­er­ty af­ter their moth­er died ear­li­er this month. 

De­scrib­ing the al­leged be­hav­iour of Bo­cas-Larkin’s sis­ter as un­con­scionable, her lawyers claimed that be­tween 2007 and 2012 their client spent US$10,000 on ren­o­vat­ing the house and im­prov­ing its mar­ket val­ue. 

Through her sub­stan­tive case, Bo­cas-Larkin is seek­ing a de­c­la­ra­tion that she has a ben­e­fi­cial in­ter­est in the prop­er­ty and an­oth­er grant­i­ng her equal ac­cess. She is al­so seek­ing com­pen­sa­tion from her sis­ter. 

Un­der the terms of the in­junc­tion, Jus­tice Seep­er­sad or­dered Bo­cas-Larkin to pay the costs as­so­ci­at­ed with the pri­vate au­top­sy and the fu­ner­al in­clud­ing stor­ing of her moth­er’s body un­til the au­top­sy is com­plet­ed on Mon­day. 

The case is sched­uled to come up for hear­ing be­fore Jus­tice Seep­er­sad on Mon­day. 

Bo­cas-Larkin was rep­re­sent­ed by James Philbert. 


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