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Monday, March 24, 2025

Keith, Kamla, candidates' votes drop in 2020


Gail Alexander
1684 days ago
Prime Minister-designate Dr Keith Rowley shows his ink-stained finger after voting at the International School, Westmoorings, on Monday.

Prime Minister-designate Dr Keith Rowley shows his ink-stained finger after voting at the International School, Westmoorings, on Monday.


Gail Alexan­der

Both the Peo­ple's Na­tion­al Move­ment and Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress’ votes in safe seats dropped in Mon­day’s Gen­er­al Elec­tion – in­clud­ing in the seats held by PNM leader Dr Kei­th Row­ley and UNC leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar.

This is re­vealed in a com­par­i­son of the 2015 Gen­er­al Elec­tion re­sults and the pre­lim­i­nary re­sults giv­en by the Elec­tions and Bound­aries Com­mis­sion (EBC) on Mon­day's Gen­er­al Elec­tion.

Fol­low­ing is the break­down of the 2015 and 2020 vot­ing num­bers:

* In 2015, Row­ley got 12,855 votes com­pet­ing against five op­po­nents in the Diego Mar­tin West con­stituen­cy. He got 10,791 on Mon­day against three op­po­nents. UNC's can­di­date Mar­sha Walk­er got 2, 569 votes.

* In 2015, PNM’s Colm Im­bert won Diego Mar­tin North East with 2,015 votes against two op­po­nents. On Mon­day, Im­bert got 10, 218 against the UNC’s 2,827

* In 2015, PNM’s for­mer Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral MP Dar­ryl Smith won with 13,528 votes. On Mon­day, PNM’s Symon de No­bre­ga got 10,627.

* In San Fer­nan­do West, PNM’s Faris Al-Rawi won in 2015 with 10,112 votes to UNC Razia Ahmed’s 6, 802. On Mon­day, Al-Rawi held it with 8,457 to UNC Sean Sober’s 6,651.

* In Port-of-Spain North, PNM’s Stu­art Young won with 10,946 to UNC’s 2,218. On Mon­day, Young re­tained it with 9,475.

* In Laven­tille West, PNM’s Fitzger­ald Hinds won in 2015 with 13,084 votes. On Mon­day, he got 9,310.

* In Laven­tille East/Mor­vant, PNM’s Adri­an Leonce won in 2015 with 12,662. On Mon­day, Leonce won with 10,356.

* PNM’s Es­mond Forde won Tu­na­puna in 2015 with 11,228 to UNC’s 7,613. Forde re­tained the seat on Mon­day with 9,460 to David Naki­hd’s 7,532.

* In La Brea, PNM’s Nicole Ol­livierre won in 2015 with 11, 558 votes. On Mon­day, PNM’s Steven Mc Clashie won with 9,342 to UNC’s 5,735.

* In St Joseph, PNM’s Ter­rence Deyals­ingh won with 10, 536 to UNC Vas­ant Bharath’s 8,903. On Mon­day, Deyals­ingh again won with 9,354 to Ahloy Hunt’s 8,543.

* In 2015, PNM’s An­tho­ny Gar­cia won Ari­ma with 10,979 votes. On Mon­day, PNM’s Pen­ny Beck­les won it with 9, 293 votes to UNC’s 3,858.

* PNM’s Camille’s Robin­son Reg­is won Arou­ca Mal­oney in 2015 with 14, 843, which dropped to 12,697 on Mon­day.

* In 2015, PNM’s Glen­da Jen­nings-Smith won with 12,005 against UNC’s Brent San­cho’s 8,101. On Mon­day, PNM’s Roger Munroe won with 10,698 against UNC’s Nabi­la Greene's 7,313.

* In 2015, PNM’s Lovell Fran­cis won Moru­ga with 10,808 to UNC’s 10,275. But on Mon­day, PNM’s Win­ston "Gyp­sy" Pe­ters lost it with 9,462 to UNC’s Michelle Ben­jamin’s 10,534.

* In 2015, PNM’s Mar­lene Mc­Don­ald won Port-of-Spain South with 9,843. On Mon­day, PNM’s Kei­th Scot­land held it with 8,202.

* In 2015, PNM’s Ran­dall Mitchell won San Fer­nan­do East with 11,869. On Mon­day, Bri­an Man­ning held it with 9,864.

* PNM’s Ayan­na Web­ster-Roy won To­ba­go East in 2015 with 7,951. She won on Mon­day with 7,127.

* PNM’s Sham­fa Cud­joe won To­ba­go West in 2015 with 10,608 and held it on Mon­day with 9,275.

* PNM’s Ed­mund Dil­lon won Point Fortin 10,813 in 2015. PNM’s Kennedy Richards won on Mon­day with 9,276

UNC votes down too ...

In 2015, UNC leader Per­sad-Bisses­sar won Siparia with 14,896 votes to PNM’s Vidya De­ok­iesingh’s 4,715. On Mon­day, Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s votes dropped to 13,487 against PNM’s 3,855

* UNC’s Roodal Mooni­lal won Oropouche East in 2015 with 15,189 to the PNM’s 3,795. On Mon­day, Mooni­lal re­tained it with 12,737.

* UNC’s Bhoe Tewarie won Ca­roni Cen­tral in 2015 with 12,439 votes. On Mon­day, UNC’s Arnold Ram held it with 11, 511 to PNM’s 6,890.

* UNC’s Bar­ry Padarath won Princes Town in 2015 with 12,668 and held with 11,280 on Mon­day.

* UNC’s Vidya Guyadeen-Gopeesingh won Oropouche West with 12,605. UNC’s Dev Tan­coo held the seat on Mon­day with 11,535.

* In 2015, UNC’s Fazal Karim won Ch­agua­nas East with 9,284 to PNM’s 7,860. On Mon­day, UNC’s Van­dana Mo­hit won it 8,968 to PNM Clarence Ramb­harat’s 7,882.

* In 2015, UNC’s Gan­ga Singh won Ch­agua­nas West with 17,506 to PNM’s 6,749. UNC’s Di­nesh Ram­bal­ly held on to the seat on Mon­day with 15,502.

* UNC’s Ra­mona Ram­di­al won Cou­va North in 2015 with 12,845. Re­place­ment Ravi Rati­ram held it with 12,633.

* In 2015, UNC’s Tim Gopeesingh won Ca­roni East with 13, 525 and on Mon­day UNC’s Rishad Seecher­an won with 12,819.

* UNC’s Chris­tine Newal­lo Ho­sein won Cu­mu­to/Man­zanil­la with 11,461 in 2015. On Mon­day, UNC’s Rai Rag­bir won it with 10,901.

* In 2015, UNC’s Fuad Khan won San Juan Barataria with 8,722. On Mon­day, UNC’s Sad­dam Ho­sein won it with 8,300 to the PNM’s 7,240.

* UNC’s Rush­ton Paray won Ma­yaro with 11,730 in 2015. He re­tained it with 10,583 on Mon­day.

* In 2015, COP’s Prakash Ra­mad­har won St Au­gus­tine with 12, 606 votes. On Mon­day, UNC’s Kadi­jah Ameen won it with 11, 943.

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