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Monday, March 17, 2025

Lee ‘sure’ UNC will probe claims about Ameen, fake vaccine cards


1161 days ago
Opposition Chief Whip Dr David Lee

Opposition Chief Whip Dr David Lee

Op­po­si­tion chief whip David Lee said he is cer­tain the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress will look in­to al­le­ga­tions that St Au­gus­tine MP Khadi­jah Ameen and her staff al­leged­ly have fake vac­ci­na­tion cards, but he said the mat­ter might just per­haps “just be al­le­ga­tions.”

So­cial me­dia blog­ger Rho­da Bharath‘s Newsauce re­cent­ly car­ried a di­rect call to Ameen start­ing with “Dear MP Ameen.”

Bharath claimed there were al­le­ga­tions that Ameen’s con­stituen­cy staff “aren’t ac­tu­al­ly vac­ci­nat­ed” but were in re­ceipt of fake vac­ci­na­tion cards that “you played a role in procur­ing.”

The Newsauce post called for Ameen to clear the air on the vac­ci­na­tion sta­tus of her staff, the cred­i­bil­i­ty of their health doc­u­ments giv­en the se­ri­ous na­ture of the pan­dem­ic and that Ameen as an MP is ac­count­able to the pub­lic. She not­ed Ameen’s staff have to in­ter­act with the pub­lic.

Ameen didn’t an­swer Guardian Me­dia’s calls yes­ter­day for her re­sponse to the claims.

Lee though said he had no idea about the al­le­ga­tions but added Ameen was the best per­son to speak about it. He said he was “sure” the UNC would look in­to the claims, “...but it might just be al­le­ga­tions.”

Lee re­ferred ques­tions to UNC chair­man Dave Tan­coo.

Last Sun­day, when asked about oth­er al­le­ga­tions of fake vac­ci­na­tion cards be­ing sold in Trinidad and To­ba­go, Tan­coo said all was above board in UNC.

On the mat­ter raised by Bharath’s Newsauce, Tan­coo said yes­ter­day, “This in­di­vid­ual (Bharath) should pro­vide her in­for­ma­tion to the po­lice. She’s mak­ing thin­ly-veiled al­le­ga­tions of a crim­i­nal of­fence with­out a shred of ev­i­dence. Frankly, we can­not keep re­spond­ing to any dotish­ness she or oth­ers dream up.

”Next thing I have to ex­plain to Rho­da Bharath if I had milk or rum in my cof­fee be­cause ac­cord­ing to her, ‘there are al­le­ga­tions.’”

Tan­coo said Guardian Me­dia should in­stead ask Bharath to sub­stan­ti­ate her al­le­ga­tions and ask about earn­ing her salary at NL­CB, how she got that job and oth­er things.

Last Sun­day af­ter oth­er al­le­ga­tions cir­cu­lat­ed about fake vac­ci­na­tion cards be­ing sold, Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment pub­lic re­la­tions of­fi­cer Lau­rel Leza­ma-Lee Sing said if any re­port of an MP sell­ing vac­ci­na­tion cards is true, po­lice should probe it and take ap­pro­pri­ate ac­tion.

She said any such dis­hon­esty would be dis­ap­point­ing, dis­gust­ing, un­eth­i­cal, and law­less.

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