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Monday, March 24, 2025

Machel donates $250,000 to QRC for science lab


35 days ago
Soca artiste Machel Montano, right, presents a symbolic cheque for $250,000 to Queen’s Royal College (QRC) principal David Simon and QRC Old Boys’ Association president Kenrick Harrinauth at QRC’s Fete Royal 10 Legacy at QRC, St Clair, on Saturday

Soca artiste Machel Montano, right, presents a symbolic cheque for $250,000 to Queen’s Royal College (QRC) principal David Simon and QRC Old Boys’ Association president Kenrick Harrinauth at QRC’s Fete Royal 10 Legacy at QRC, St Clair, on Saturday


So­ca star Machel Mon­tano has do­nat­ed a quar­ter of a mil­lion dol­lars to Queen’s Roy­al Col­lege (QRC), to fa­cil­i­tate the re­con­struc­tion of the school’s sci­ence lab.

The an­nounce­ment was made on Sat­ur­day night while Mon­tano was per­form­ing at QRC’s an­nu­al Car­ni­val fete, pop­u­lar­ly known as Fete Royale, at the school’s St Clair com­pound.

Dur­ing his set, Mon­tano paused his per­for­mance and called QRC prin­ci­pal David Si­mon and Old Boys’ As­so­ci­a­tion pres­i­dent Ken­rick Har­rin­auth on stage. He then pre­sent­ed a pro­mo­tion­al cheque and ex­plained to the pa­trons why he was do­ing so.

“We want to bring about cul­tur­al aware­ness and we want her­itage restora­tion for our youth ... So per­son­al­ly, I would like to make a con­tri­bu­tion to QRC right now. I would like to present you guys with a cheque for $250,000,” Mon­tano told Si­mon and Har­rin­auth.

“This is to re­build the sci­ence lab be­cause we need some sci­ence in here. So please give a round of ap­plause to these gen­tle­men for un­der­stand­ing. We’re not just about art and mu­sic. We are about hard work. We are about show­ing the youths the fu­ture is in your book bag. And the ed­u­ca­tion is key.”

He added, “So give a round of ap­plause for QRC. Thank you very much, gen­tle­men. I hope this will make a won­der­ful lab and teach them some mu­sic too right.”

He added that the do­na­tion was al­so be­cause the school had stood by him.

It is not clear what Mon­tano meant by that, as he is a past stu­dent of Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege in San Fer­nan­do.

Fol­low­ing his com­ments, the ten-time Road March win­ner then con­tin­ued his per­for­mance by singing some of his clas­sic songs much to the de­light of the crowd.

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