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Friday, March 7, 2025

Man gunned down in Tunapuna Cemetery


Anna Lisa Paul
805 days ago

Even as a fu­ner­al was tak­ing place at the Streatham Lodge Pub­lic Ceme­tery in Tu­na­puna yes­ter­day, gun­men opened fire on one of the young men who usu­al­ly hus­tle dai­ly at the site, killing him as he at­tempt­ed to es­cape over a wall.

Justin Glas­gow, 22, died with his legs on one side of the three-foot wall, while he bled out through his up­per body on the oth­er side.

Yes­ter­day’s at­tempt by gun­men was the sec­ond such in­ci­dent on Glas­gow’s life in the last month.

Glas­gow, who was known to po­lice and was said to be from Lash­ley Street, Tu­na­puna, sur­vived a shoot­ing at the same ceme­tery, which is lo­cat­ed at the cor­ner of Bharath Street and Ceme­tery Street, two weeks ago.

A dog was al­so shot dur­ing yes­ter­day’s in­ci­dent.

When Guardian Me­dia vis­it­ed the ceme­tery min­utes af­ter the shoot­ing oc­curred, per­sons at­tend­ing the fu­ner­al ser­vice on the op­po­site side of the ceme­tery con­tin­ued with the pro­ceed­ings as nor­mal.

Po­lice said Glas­gow was shot in the head and chest sev­er­al times.

Foren­sic per­son­nel lat­er re­cov­ered 18 9 mm spent shells at the scene.

The of­fi­cial mur­der toll giv­en by the TTPS up to yes­ter­day was 589, com­pared to 441 at the same pe­ri­od last year. There have al­so been 36 mur­ders so far this month, 12 more than at this same pe­ri­od last year.

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