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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Man gunned down on Nelson Street


Jensen La Vende
246 days ago
Crime Scene Investigators gather evidence at the corner of Prince and Nelson Streets, Port-of-Spain, yesterday as undertakers remove the body of Shamma Nottingham, 37,  of Sea Trace, Diego Martin.

Crime Scene Investigators gather evidence at the corner of Prince and Nelson Streets, Port-of-Spain, yesterday as undertakers remove the body of Shamma Nottingham, 37, of Sea Trace, Diego Martin.


A Diego Mar­tin man was gunned down out­side a tyre shop on Nel­son Street yes­ter­day af­ter­noon in what po­lice sus­pect is part of an on­go­ing war be­tween Diego Mar­tin and Laven­tille.

Po­lice said around noon, Sham­ma Not­ting­ham, 37, of Sea Trace, Diego Mar­tin was at Mr Give­away Tyres when he was ap­proached by a gun­man.

Not­ting­ham, who was just about to en­ter his grey Nis­san Wingroad was shot dead just out­side his car, the keys to the ve­hi­cle were still lodged in­side the lock. 

Po­lice said Not­ting­ham's killing may be linked to two oth­er mur­ders. 

Po­lice said around mid­day, on May 28, two men ran in­to the Apex Bar sec­onds af­ter Apol­los “Bal­lack” Alexan­der had stepped in­side. He was gunned down.

Alexan­der, orig­i­nal­ly from East Dry Riv­er, was liv­ing at Bagatelle Road, Diego Mar­tin.

Po­lice sus­pect­ed that Alexan­der was a ca­su­al­ty of the on­go­ing war be­tween two fac­tions of the Mus­lim gang in Port-of-Spain and Diego Mar­tin.

On May 3, Corey “Small Mouth” Ri­ley was killed around mid­day while cut­ting grass at the cor­ner of Achong Street and South Quay, Port-of-Spain. Po­lice said Ri­ley was killed be­cause he lived in Diego Mar­tin and was caught “in en­e­my ter­ri­to­ry”.

Mean­while, in an un­re­lat­ed in­ci­dent, a de­com­pos­ing body was found near the sa­van­nah along the Mara­cas Roy­al Road, St Joseph. 

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