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Saturday, March 15, 2025

"Unshakable feeling" turns into $18M jackpot victory


32 days ago

A res­i­dent of West Trinidad is the coun­try's lat­est mul­ti­mil­lion­aire hav­ing re­cent­ly won the $18,044,066.08 Lot­to Plus jack­pot.

The win­ner was in­ter­viewed by the NL­CB af­ter col­lect­ing his prize mon­ey. He said on Sat­ur­day, 1st Feb­ru­ary, he was struck by an over­whelm­ing feel­ing that he had to play. He said he went to Chris­t­ian’s Mi­ni Mart in Bourg Mu­la­tresse and pur­chased Quick Picks.

How­ev­er, as he left,  he didn't re­alise his tick­ets had slipped from his pock­et and scat­tered on the ground. Luck­i­ly he rushed back to the Lot­tery Cen­tre, where he found the tick­ets still ly­ing on the pave­ment. 

It wasn’t un­til Mon­day morn­ing af­ter the Sat­ur­day draw that he checked the re­sults. Dis­be­liev­ing at first, he said he asked his wife to read the win­ning num­bers aloud while he dou­ble-checked. They matched. Calm yet joy­ful, he ex­pressed grat­i­tude, say­ing, “I thank the Almighty God, and of course, NL­CB, for al­low­ing me to ex­pe­ri­ence this.”

The win­ner said that life had not al­ways been easy for him.  He was the on­ly son in his fam­i­ly and when they start­ed ex­pe­ri­enc­ing fi­nan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties, he left school ear­ly to help sup­port his loved ones, car­ry­ing the weight of re­spon­si­bil­i­ty from a young age. 

De­spite the life-chang­ing sum, the win­ner said he in­tends to main­tain a hum­ble lifestyle. He plans to give to char­i­ty, par­tic­u­lar­ly to sup­port chil­dren, and while his fam­i­ly may wish to trav­el, he is con­tent with sim­ple plea­sures, pos­si­bly a qui­et vis­it to a near­by is­land. Lux­u­ries like fan­cy cars don’t in­ter­est him — he re­mains hap­py with what he al­ready has.


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