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Monday, February 24, 2025

Man murdered in Penal


Ralph Banwarie
358 days ago

Se­nior Re­porter


Af­ter wak­ing up to a reign of bul­lets ear­ly yes­ter­day morn­ing, Dwayne Pierre shield­ed his two-year-old daugh­ter with his body, re­sult­ing in his demise.

Pierre’s daugh­ter was found un­der his dead body on their bed with mi­nor in­juries to her left hand. Pierre, 26, a labour­er, and his daugh­ter would have been asleep on their bed in the down­stairs apart­ment of the fam­i­ly’s home at La­choos Road, Smart Av­enue.

Short­ly af­ter 1 am, the gun­man or gun­men stood at the back of the apart­ment and fired through the closed bed­room win­dow, hit­ting Pierre sev­er­al times.

A rel­a­tive told re­porters he heard about 20 shots. When he opened the door to Pierre’s bed­room, he said he saw him over his daugh­ter. “His back was full of bul­let holes,” he said.

Pierre’s moth­er, Trinelle Gar­cia, 47, said her fam­i­ly has been a tar­get of shoot­ing in­ci­dents in re­cent years, but she did not know why.

She said the moth­er of Pierre’s daugh­ter re­turned to her home in Ja­maica al­most two years ago af­ter she was shot in two sep­a­rate in­ci­dents. Gar­cia said the first shoot­ing oc­curred when she was six months preg­nant with Pierre’s daugh­ter, and her grand­daugh­ter was born pre­ma­ture­ly.

Gar­cia said a year lat­er, Pierre and his girl­friend were am­bushed on the road, and she was shot. De­scrib­ing Pierre as a re­spectable and hard­work­ing per­son, the moth­er was un­cer­tain whether his mur­der was linked to those pre­vi­ous in­ci­dents. She be­lieves en­vy is al­so a pos­si­ble mo­tive. “I don’t know if it’s re­venge they were look­ing for, or I don’t know what. I can­not say,” she said.

Po­lice said Pierre was a drug of­fend­er. Last month, Lalchan Ed­wards was found shot to death in the com­mu­ni­ty. Of­fi­cers of Homi­cide Bu­reau Re­gion Three are in­ves­ti­gat­ing.

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