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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Man's body found after being swept away by flood waters


Kejan Haynes
469 days ago

Kejan Haynes

The search for a man seen be­ing washed down a drain yes­ter­day end­ed in tragedy.

The yet uniden­ti­fied man's body was found in a riv­er a few miles from where he was last seen.

The or­deal would have start­ed yes­ter­day on the cor­ner of Carac­ci­o­lo Av­enue and Ameer­ali Av­enue in Mal­abar.

Cam­eras cap­tured the hor­ri­fy­ing last mo­ments as the body washed in­to the drain.

From the time his body nev­er resur­faced, searchers be­gan los­ing hope. Wit­ness­es seen in the video said they heard his head hit the con­crete.

But that didn't stop Coun­cil­lor Shel­don "Fish" Gar­cia and his team from search­ing through the night.

When they called off the search the Hunters Search and res­cue team was called in. They start­ed at the point where he was last seen, mak­ing their way down the riv­er this morn­ing.

The body was even­tu­al­ly found among some brush in the riv­er be­hind Print­eryville Road, Print­eryville Rd., Ari­ma.

Some orig­i­nal­ly thought the man was a home­less per­son who lives in the drain but Coun­cil­lor Gar­cia said he saw that man last night. How­ev­er no one has re­port­ed a miss­ing per­son up to now.

The search spanned two con­stituen­cies, MPs Lisa Mor­ris Ju­lian and Pene­lope Beck­les ex­tend­ing their sup­port to the res­cue team.

Hunters Search and Rescue TeamInstagram

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