Enjoy T&T’s environment this holiday weekend and protect it–particularly turtles–- so everyone can enjoy it in future.
This was the call on Friday by Planning and Development Minister Pennelope Beckles who’s urged citizens to increase environmental stewardship.
Beckles, in her capacity as Minister with responsibility for the environment, appealed for citizens to not only exercise caution with their physical heath over the Easter weekend, but to prioritise environmental health also.
Beckles said, “It’s customary to enjoy camping, hiking, visiting the nation’s beaches along with a host of other eco- activities especially during the long Easter weekend. However, we must be responsible for the sustainable enjoyment of our environmental resources, which includes T&T’s physical land and marine features, our forests and biodiversity resources.”
“Let us not be selfish with the beauty of our natural resources, future generations have the right to enjoy and partake in the benefits of a healthy environment as well,” she added.
Beckles noted the Easter period is also part of the peak turtle nesting season in T&T and with the long weekend, many also participate in turtle watching tours.
“All five species of sea turtles which visiting our shores are protected by law and everything must be done to ensure that we care for the beaches which they visit while we are enjoying our time in the sea, sun and sand.
“The Leatherback turtle is listed as vulnerable, the Loggerhead is also vulnerable, the Hawksbill is critically endangered, the Green turtle is endangered and the Olive Ridley is listed as another vulnerable species. T&T is still one of the most active turtle nesting sites in the western hemisphere and Government is continuing to do what is best to keep it that way, “ the minister said.
Denny Dipchansingh, (Conservator of Forests and Chief Game Warden, Agriculture Ministry Forestry Division) added, “The public can assist in protecting sea turtles by not sitting on them, as this can destroy their organs or even kill them. Avoid exposing the turtles to bright lights, reduce the disposal of any marine debris (plastic and other garbage), as this can result in the reptiles becoming entangled. “
The penalty for causing injury to sea turtles is a fine of $100,000 and a two-year jail term.
Beckles said a Cabinet appointed National Sea Turtle Task Force, chaired by the Nadra Nathai-Gyan of the Environmental Management Authority’s (EMA), is contributing to sea turtle conservation as part of a tripartite approach involving government agencies, communities and researchers.
Beckles said, “With the environmental stewardship of citizens coupled with Government’s continued collaboration with researchers and communities, future generations will be able to enjoy T&T’s biodiversity resources, as well as the presence of these magnificent turtle species.”