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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

PM calls time on his political career

To step down and go with his family before end of term


81 days ago
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley speaks at a media conference at the Office of  the Prime Minister Central Administrative Service, Tobago, yesterday.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley speaks at a media conference at the Office of the Prime Minister Central Administrative Service, Tobago, yesterday.


Eliz­a­beth Gon­za­les

To­ba­go Cor­re­spon­dent

Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley has con­firmed he will re­tire from pol­i­tics, ho­n­our­ing a pledge he made in 2020 not to seek re-elec­tion and mark­ing the end of a 45-year ca­reer in pub­lic ser­vice.

Speak­ing at a post-Cab­i­net me­dia brief­ing yes­ter­day at the Of­fice of the Prime Min­is­ter, Cen­tral Ad­min­is­tra­tive Ser­vices, To­ba­go, he con­firmed he will not con­test the next gen­er­al elec­tion and plans to step down as prime min­is­ter be­fore the end of his cur­rent term.

“I will not be of­fer­ing my­self again to rep­re­sent any­one, ei­ther in Trinidad or in To­ba­go,” Row­ley, T&T’s sev­enth prime min­is­ter, re­vealed at the end of the brief­ing.

“Forty-five years is a long time, and I would like to say thank you ap­pro­pri­ate­ly to all those who have sup­port­ed my ef­forts and ben­e­fit­ed from what I hope were pos­i­tive im­pacts on this coun­try.”

Re­flect­ing on his po­lit­i­cal jour­ney, Row­ley shared mem­o­ries of his ear­ly life and ca­reer in To­ba­go.

“My first job here was plant­i­ng grass at Hope Es­tate for sev­en dol­lars a day,” he re­count­ed.

“From those be­gin­nings, I went on to teach in To­ba­go be­fore en­ter­ing pol­i­tics in 1980. This year marks 45 years in pub­lic life.”

Row­ley, 75, cred­it­ed his lead­er­ship with in­tro­duc­ing and nur­tur­ing young tal­ent with­in the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM).

“At the last elec­tion in 2020, I brought a num­ber of young peo­ple in­to the po­lit­i­cal are­na. Many of them are still in Gov­ern­ment to­day, hav­ing gained valu­able ex­pe­ri­ence. They are now pre­pared to lead this coun­try for­ward,” he said.

He al­so spoke about the chal­lenges of serv­ing in pub­lic of­fice. He crit­i­cised and lament­ed the grow­ing cul­ture of at­tacks fu­elled by so­cial me­dia and oth­er plat­forms.

“There is a re­lent­less at­tack on those in pub­lic life by peo­ple who have nev­er plant­ed an okra seed or swept a pave­ment,” Row­ley said.

“The mech­a­nisms avail­able to spread bile and vit­ri­ol have fu­elled a de­te­ri­o­ra­tion in the qual­i­ty of our so­ci­ety.”

De­spite the crit­i­cism, Row­ley said he had re­mained re­silient to lead dur­ing crises, in­clud­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic.

“I man­aged this coun­try through COVID. Just to­day, I re­ceived con­fir­ma­tion from PA­HO that there is no emer­gency in Chi­na re­gard­ing a new virus out­break. That was a re­lief—God knows we don’t want an­oth­er COVID,” he added.

Row­ley re­it­er­at­ed that his de­ci­sion to step away from pol­i­tics was not a new one.

“In 2020 at Bal­isi­er House, I said I would not do this again, and I meant it,” he said.

He con­firmed he will re­sign as PM be­fore the term’s le­gal lim­it, not­ing the im­por­tance of spend­ing more time with his fam­i­ly.

“Be­fore the end of this term, I will step down and go af­ter my fam­i­ly,” Row­ley said.

While he con­tin­ues to serve as PNM po­lit­i­cal leader for now, Row­ley spoke of the im­por­tance of a smooth tran­si­tion.

“I will over­see nom­i­na­tions for the seats and en­sure con­ti­nu­ity, but I will not be of­fer­ing my­self again,” he said.

A Sun­day Guardian ex­clu­sive in De­cem­ber re­vealed that Cari­com and For­eign Af­fairs Min­is­ter Dr Amery Browne was tipped to re­place Row­ley in the Diego Mar­tin West con­stituen­cy for the forth­com­ing gen­er­al elec­tion and had the PM’s bless­ings. At the time, Browne said he had not been ap­proached by the Diego Mar­tin West ex­ec­u­tive on the is­sue but the sto­ry made it clear he had the bless­ing of the PM. Nei­ther Browne nor Row­ley had pub­licly ad­dressed the is­sue since then.

Yes­ter­day, Row­ley took time to out­line the steps be­ing tak­en as the PNM pre­pares for the gen­er­al elec­tion. He con­firmed can­di­date screen­ing for To­ba­go be­gan yes­ter­day, with a par­lia­men­tary and gov­ern­ment re­treat sched­uled for to­mor­row and Mon­day.

He ex­plained, “2025 is a very im­por­tant year. It is def­i­nite­ly an elec­tion year. Half of it is al­ready be­hind us, and the oth­er half lies ahead. Par­lia­ment dis­solves at the end of Au­gust, and with­in 90 days, elec­tions must be called. The pop­u­la­tion will then de­cide who man­ages the af­fairs of the coun­try. But I will not be part of that de­ci­sion-mak­ing process as a can­di­date.”

Ad­dress­ing his long­stand­ing ser­vice in Diego Mar­tin West, where he has been MP since 1991, Row­ley as­sured them they would not be ne­glect­ed dur­ing the tran­si­tion. “The peo­ple of Diego Mar­tin West have sup­port­ed me res­olute­ly, and I will thank them ap­pro­pri­ate­ly to en­sure they are not left adrift,” he said.

Pre­vi­ous times when Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley has in­di­cat­ed his in­ten­tion to re­tire from pol­i­tics:

Au­gust 2020: In his vic­to­ry speech af­ter the gen­er­al elec­tion, Dr Row­ley men­tioned that this could “eas­i­ly be my last term in pol­i­tics,” be­fore talk­ing about his de­sire for a smooth tran­si­tion with­in the PNM and the de­vel­op­ment of young lead­ers.

Oc­to­ber 2024: Dur­ing the Bud­get de­bate in Par­lia­ment, he strong­ly sug­gest­ed that he would not re­turn to Par­lia­ment af­ter the cur­rent ses­sion ends. He said, “Madam Speak­er, it has been a plea­sure work­ing with you as par­lia­men­tary Speak­er. I don’t know how much longer I will have in this Par­lia­ment, but I have done my du­ty and I have kept the course.”

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