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Monday, February 17, 2025

Missing man’s burnt out car found in Carapo


Rhondor Dowlat
23 days ago
Missing Ameer Dylan Hosein

Missing Ameer Dylan Hosein

Se­nior Re­porter


The fam­i­ly of 31-year-old Ameer Dy­lan Ho­sein is plead­ing for as­sis­tance in lo­cat­ing him af­ter his sud­den dis­ap­pear­ance last Sat­ur­day morn­ing.

His car was found burnt in some bush­es in the Cara­po area yes­ter­day. Po­lice said Ho­sein, a self-em­ployed farmer and res­i­dent of Fred­er­ick Set­tle­ment, Ca­roni, was last seen leav­ing his girl­friend’s home at Log Dri­ve, USA Lane in Cara­po, to re­turn to his Kay Street home last Sat­ur­day around 3 am. 

Speak­ing to Guardian Me­dia, a rel­a­tive said Ho­sein had a trou­bling in­ci­dent two weeks ago where he had a falling out with his girl­friend, dur­ing which peo­ple known to her al­leged­ly at­tempt­ed to at­tack him. 

The girl­friend re­port­ed­ly locked him in a room to pro­tect him. De­spite this in­ci­dent, Ho­sein vis­it­ed her again last Sat­ur­day but has not been seen or heard from since.

Ho­sein’s rel­a­tives said they are grow­ing frus­trat­ed. While po­lice of­fi­cers took a state­ment, rel­a­tives said they were un­hap­py with the ef­forts of law en­force­ment to in­ves­ti­gate or as­sist in the search for Ho­sein. 

His moth­er, Ali­cia Ho­sein, said rel­a­tives have or­gan­ised their own search teams, comb­ing ar­eas such as Cara­po, Aripo, Tal­paro, and Brazil, but so far, their ef­forts have been in vain.

Rel­a­tives said he usu­al­ly kept in close con­tact with his fam­i­ly and would not sim­ply van­ish with­out ex­pla­na­tion.

The fam­i­ly has urged po­lice to in­ten­si­fy their in­ves­ti­ga­tion.

Any­one with in­for­ma­tion on Ho­sein’s where­abouts has been asked to con­tact the Ca­roni Po­lice Sta­tion.

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