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Friday, March 7, 2025

Missing Persons Alert for Carapo man


1001 days ago
Christian Emmanuel Joshua. (Image courtesy TTPS)

Christian Emmanuel Joshua. (Image courtesy TTPS)

A Miss­ing Per­sons Alert has been ac­ti­vat­ed for a 21-year-old Cara­po man, who was last seen on Sun­day 5 June 2022.

The Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice is seek­ing the pub­lic’s help in lo­cat­ing CHRIS­T­IAN EM­MANUEL JOSHUA, of Si­mon Road Ever­green, Cara­po.

CHRIS­T­IAN was re­port­ed miss­ing to the Ari­ma Po­lice Sta­tion yes­ter­day, Wednes­day 8 June 2022.

He is of African de­scent, brown in com­plex­ion, 5-feet-9-inch­es tall, with a medi­um build and an afro hair­style.

Chris­t­ian was last seen at home wear­ing a pair of box­er shorts.

Any­one with in­for­ma­tion on the where­abouts of CHRIS­T­IAN EM­MANUEL JOSHUA is asked to call the Ari­ma Po­lice Sta­tion at 667-3563, or any po­lice sta­tion.

Per­sons al­so can call 800-TIPS or the Po­lice Ser­vice hot­lines at 555, 999 and 911, or share the in­for­ma­tion on the TTPS App.

MissingMissing Persons AlertTTPS

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