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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mom of five stabbed to death, female suspect held


1038 days ago
Stephanie Calbio

Stephanie Calbio

A moth­er of five was stabbed to death in what po­lice be­lieve was the out­come of a do­mes­tic dis­pute.

Po­lice said Stephanie Cal­bio, 32, of Abbe Pou­jade Street, Care­nage, was on her way home around 11.15 am yes­ter­day when she was at­tacked by an­oth­er woman.

Cal­bio was stabbed three times in her back and was rushed to the St James Med­ical Hos­pi­tal where she died.

Her moth­er-in-law Pa­tri­cia Roberts-Glas­gow told Guardian Me­dia she be­lieved Cal­bio’s death was pre­med­i­tat­ed, giv­en that she had made sev­er­al re­ports against the per­son who al­leged­ly at­tacked her.

“This is not the first knife at­tack against Stephanie. She has made nu­mer­ous re­ports to the Care­nage Po­lice Sta­tion but I think the po­lice did not do enough. The last in­ci­dent was at the health cen­tre when Stephanie went to get vac­ci­nat­ed, but again the po­lice did not get in­volved,” she said.

Roberts-Glas­gow said Cal­bio cel­e­brat­ed her birth­day on April 28 and for Moth­er’s Day had made a meal for her. She said be­fore she went to work she spent time with Cal­bio and her grand­daugh­ter.

Cal­bio was the moth­er of five chil­dren, the youngest be­ing 13 months old.

The 24-year-old sus­pect has sur­ren­dered to po­lice and is be­ing ques­tioned in re­la­tion to the killing.


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