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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Mom of teen killed by cops wants to know what really happened


Anna-Lisa Paul
262 days ago
Jeremy Baptiste

Jeremy Baptiste

“My 17-year-old son had dreamed to open his busi­ness and be a busi­ness­man one day.”

This was the com­ment from the moth­er of teenag­er Je­re­my Bap­tiste yes­ter­day, as she begged for jus­tice fol­low­ing the po­lice shoot­ing which claimed his life.

Bap­tiste, 17, of Febeau Vil­lage, San Juan, was shot dur­ing an ex­change with po­lice af­ter they re­port­ed­ly in­ter­cept­ed a car he was in.

It was claimed the four sus­pects shot at of­fi­cers who re­turned fire, in­jur­ing Bap­tiste.
The in­jured Bap­tiste was tak­en to the Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal, where he lat­er died while un­der­go­ing treat­ment.

As tears rolled down her face as she spoke with re­porters at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre, St James, Bap­tiste’s moth­er, who asked not to be named, re­mem­bered his as­sur­ance that he would look af­ter her and the fam­i­ly when his busi­ness took off.

She said Bap­tiste some­times ex­pressed dreams of be­ing a me­chan­ic, as well as open­ing and op­er­at­ing his own fu­ner­al agency.
Say­ing he was aware of the in­vest­ment need­ed to get in­to this field, she said he had tak­en to vis­it­ing par­tic­u­lar fu­ner­al homes to as­sist in prepar­ing bod­ies for cre­ma­tion and buri­als.

The moth­er said she had se­cured a pass­port ap­point­ment for her and her six chil­dren on June 6.

“From there, we woul­da gone to see about our visa,” she said, adding, “He woul­da be the first one to leave Trinidad to go abroad.”

The moth­er called for the truth about her son’s death to be re­vealed.

“The po­lice are say­ing one thing, but me as a moth­er, I just want to feel com­fort­able in my soul know­ing what is the truth. The sto­ry that they send out is not adding up and I want to get to the bot­tom of it, know­ing my son,” she said.

Bap­tiste’s sib­lings were said to not be cop­ing well since his death. His moth­er said his on­ly wish was to see the younger ones emerge suc­cess­ful in life.

“Je­re­my was a child filled with love,” she shared.

How­ev­er, the moth­er ad­mit­ted that her son had been speak­ing with peo­ple who “were not on the right track”. She said de­spite parental ad­vice and his con­tin­ued as­sur­ance that he knew right from wrong, the sit­u­a­tion was not adding up.

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