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Thursday, March 6, 2025

More money for Couva Carnival


Shastri Boodan
1837 days ago
2020 Couva Junior Monarch Marcus McDonald, left, shakes hands with chairman of the Couva Carnival Committee Ramchand Rajbal Maraj.

2020 Couva Junior Monarch Marcus McDonald, left, shakes hands with chairman of the Couva Carnival Committee Ramchand Rajbal Maraj.


Mas­quer­aders tak­ing part in Car­ni­val cel­e­bra­tions in Cou­va will be get­ting more prize mon­ey this year.

The good news came from Ram­c­hand Ra­jbal-Maraj, the pres­i­dent of the Cou­va Car­ni­val Com­mit­tee.

He spoke with Guardian Me­dia on Sat­ur­day night when the com­mit­tee spon­sored a free show fea­tur­ing artiste from the TU­CO South Cen­tral tent.

The event took place at the Cou­va Pub­lic carpark.

Ra­jbal Maraj said the Cou­va Car­ni­val Com­mit­tee is ex­pect­ed to get around $300,000 from the NCC.

How­ev­er, he said busi­ness­es on the Point Lisas In­dus­tri­al Es­tate have not as yet re­spond­ed to calls for as­sis­tance.

He said the NCC has giv­en the first tranche of $190,000 which he said would go a long way to­wards pay­ing prize monies. in 2019 the com­mit­tee got on­ly $160,000.

Ra­jbal said he was hap­py that the po­lice had in­sti­tut­ed a ban on glass bot­tles. He aids J’ou­vert is go­ing to be big in Cou­va with 15 bands reg­is­tered to cross the stage.

Ra­jbal said Car­ni­val Tues­day is ex­pect­ed to be a treat since the 2002 medi­um steel­band champs, the NGC Cou­va Joy­lan­ders will be per­form­ing.

Cou­va South Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment Rudranath In­dars­ingh was at the show.

In­dars­ingh said he was hap­py with the in­crease of the sub­ven­tion from the NCC to the Cou­va Car­ni­val Com­mit­tee.

In­dars­ingh said he wants to see the ca­lyp­so­ni­ans speak out on so­cial is­sues fac­ing the pub­lic and bash the rul­ing regime with the same en­thu­si­asm they ham­mered the Peo­ple’s Part­ner­ship Gov­ern­ment. In­dars­ingh said he was hap­py to see an in­crease in po­lice pres­ence for cel­e­bra­tions. He said such a move should take place year-round in the fight against crime.

He urged par­ents to pay at­ten­tion to their chil­dren to en­sure they are not at­tacked by mo­les­ters and preda­tors.

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