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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

More stranded Trinis return home this weekend


Rishard Khan
1672 days ago
Stuart Young, Minister of National Security and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister.

Stuart Young, Minister of National Security and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister.

Office of the Prime Minister

Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Stu­art Young says the repa­tri­a­tion of T&T na­tion­als strand­ed abroad will con­tin­ue but with a lot more cau­tion than be­fore now that the num­ber of ac­tive COVID-19 cas­es have sur­passed 1,000.

The to­tal num­ber of COVID-19 cas­es reached 1,252 yes­ter­day, with 1,059 be­ing ac­tive cas­es with the par­al­lel health sys­tem.

Not­ing that con­sul­ta­tion with the Min­istry of Health was now crit­i­cal go­ing for­ward, Young said, “Due to the re­cent in­creased num­bers of pos­i­tive COVID cas­es in Trinidad and To­ba­go, the Min­istry of Health be­gan us­ing some of the fa­cil­i­ties that were pre­vi­ous­ly be­ing used for state quar­an­tine. This fac­tor, as well as the num­bers of per­sons be­ing cared for in the par­al­lel health care sys­tem, meant that we have had to be cau­tious with repa­tri­a­tion num­bers,” Young told Guardian Me­dia in a What­sApp re­sponse to queries.

How­ev­er, he in­di­cat­ed that sev­er­al cit­i­zens who had re­ceived ex­emp­tions pre­vi­ous­ly are ex­pect­ed to re­turn this week­end.

“We have been work­ing with CAL to man­age a repa­tri­a­tion flight this Sat­ur­day of over 100 na­tion­als from the USA and on Sun­day there will be a num­ber of na­tion­als re­turn­ing from the UK and Eu­rope,” Young said.

Young said they have al­so dis­cussed adding fur­ther quar­an­tine fa­cil­i­ties with the Min­istry of Health.

The min­is­ter has the sole pow­er to grant ex­emp­tions for na­tion­als seek­ing to re­turn to the coun­try fol­low­ing the bor­der clo­sure since the first phase of the pan­dem­ic in March. The process is a bal­anc­ing act, where the num­ber of spaces avail­able with­in the par­al­lel sys­tem is tak­en in­to con­sid­er­a­tion since all re­turn­ing na­tion­als are sub­ject to a manda­to­ry 14-day quar­an­tine pe­ri­od in ei­ther a state-run or state-su­per­vised fa­cil­i­ty.

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