MP for St. Augustine, Khadijah Ameen called on Minister of Works and Transport, Rohan Sinanan to address the flooding issues surrounding the Blackman Ravine in Curepe.
She said parts of the constituency including Knowles Street, Eccles Trace, Abdul Lane, Blackman Lane and other streets could be affected by flooding again. Ameen believes the source of the flooding is the Blackman Ravine . She said however recent works to the Kay Donna overpass further exacerbated the issue resulting in the intense flooding to the lower Curepe area.
She also called for the speedy completion of the Macoya drain along the Priority Bus Route which began early this year.
"The rainy season has arrived and work which was scheduled to be completed some time ago is still ongoing, leading to residents being fearful now that flooding has resumed," she said.
MP Ameen said she believes the government can mitigate flooding through adequate planning and prevention measures.