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Friday, February 28, 2025

New campaign strategy by PDP


1687 days ago
The social media advertisement released by the Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP), promoting the party’s drive-in campaign meetings. (Image courtesy PDP)

The social media advertisement released by the Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP), promoting the party’s drive-in campaign meetings. (Image courtesy PDP)

Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP)

Wat­son Duke’s Pro­gres­sive De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Pa­tri­ots (PDP) says it is tak­ing the gen­er­al elec­tion cam­paign in To­ba­go to a new lev­el by of­fer­ing, for the first time, dri­ve-in cam­paign meet­ings.

In­stead of the typ­i­cal crowd gath­ered in an open area while be­ing ad­dressed by can­di­dates, the dri­ve in cam­paign will see per­sons re­main in their ve­hi­cles while the meet­ing will be pro­ject­ed on a big screen, movie style.

When asked about the thought process be­hind the “Dri­ve in Cam­paign”, PDP po­lit­i­cal leader, Wat­son Duke, said the con­cept is “in­no­v­a­tive and part of his par­ty’s po­lit­i­cal DNA”.

“The PDP is a for­ward think­ing—and as our name says—pro­gres­sive group of per­sons,” he stat­ed. “We have al­so not for­got­ten that while we may be for­tu­nate, COVID-19 is re­al and we want the To­ba­go pub­lic to re­main safe so we felt that we could use this method for our large gath­er­ings.”

Duke said when per­sons ar­rive at the venue, they will be guid­ed by park­ing at­ten­dants to en­sure the space is well or­gan­ised. He al­so urged at­ten­dees to show their “sup­port for the black­out 2020 move­ment” by honk­ing horns and wav­ing their PDP flags.

There will be three dri­ve in cam­paign meet­ings: the first at Gar­den Side Carpark, Scar­bor­ough on Sat­ur­day Ju­ly18. That will be fol­lowed by the Cyd Gray Sta­di­um Carpark on Sun­day Ju­ly 19. The third meet­ing will be held at Lucy Vale at Spey­side on Mon­day Ju­ly 20.

TobagoPolitics2025 General ElectionPDP

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