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Friday, March 28, 2025

Nicole Dyer-Griffith announces breast cancer diagnosis


195 days ago
A tender moment between Nicole Dyer-Griffith and her husband Gary Griffith – A screenshot taken from the video statement she released in which she revealed her breast cancer diagnosis. [Image courtesy Nicole Dyer Facebook]

A tender moment between Nicole Dyer-Griffith and her husband Gary Griffith – A screenshot taken from the video statement she released in which she revealed her breast cancer diagnosis. [Image courtesy Nicole Dyer Facebook]


For­mer Miss Uni­verse Trinidad and To­ba­go and gov­ern­ment sen­a­tor, Nicole Dy­er-Grif­fith, has an­nounced she has stage three breast can­cer.

In a video post­ed to her Face­book page, Dy­er-Grif­fith said she was di­ag­nosed with the dis­ease, the same week she host­ed O2N Style at O2 Park.

"The jour­ney thus far has been one from dis­tress to dis­cov­ery. I have un­earthed such pow­er, peace and per­se­ver­ance that I can safe­ly say this chap­ter has tru­ly made me find unique meth­ods of oxy­genat­ing not on­ly my­self, but al­so those who are tra­vers­ing this jour­ney along with me," she said.

She thanked her hus­band, Gary Grif­fith, her son Gary Grif­fith III, her moth­er, her broth­ers and friends for their sup­port, say­ing they have been a "com­plete bless­ing".

Her video state­ment can be viewed, here…


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