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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Nicole Dyer-Griffith: "We're as good as gold…"


1878 days ago
The top cop apologised to his wife—via Facebook—for not being able to take her out for their wedding anniversary...

The top cop apologised to his wife—via Facebook—for not being able to take her out for their wedding anniversary...


On the day of her wed­ding an­niver­sary, amongst the heavy crit­i­cisms of the gen­er­al pub­lic of every move her hus­band, Gary Grif­fith, Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice (CoP) makes, Nicole Dy­er-Grif­fith as­sures that they both—along with her mar­riage—are "good as gold."

On Mon­day morn­ing, top cop Gary Grif­fith took to Face­book, apol­o­gis­ing to her for not "tak­ing her out."

With the nu­mer­ous deaths threats made against his fam­i­ly, Grif­fith was forced to send his wife and son to a for­eign coun­try to live.

With the soar­ing mur­der rate, Grif­fith has come un­der heavy crit­i­cism in his fight against crime. His every ac­tion has be­come a top­ic for so­cial me­dia trolls.

"Hap­py An­niver­sary to my wife. Sor­ry, my dar­ling. I would have tak­en you out to­day,” he wrote, “but this coun­try has so many ed­u­cat­ed crit­ics, they may see some­one in the restau­rant, and ac­cuse them of be­ing a PNM, UNC or XYZ, or the bar­tender may have been a sus­pect some­where, so I may be con­demned for din­ing there, or some­one may come over to say hi, and be­cause his/her salary range is over $5,000 a month, I may be ac­cused of as­so­ci­at­ing my­self with white col­lar crim­i­nals. Sor­ry Nicole—this is what our so­ci­ety has be­come—af­ter putting my health on the line by work­ing 18 hours a day, 7 days a week; putting my life on the line dai­ly in an ef­fort to pull back this coun­try from the brink of de­cay; be­ing forced to have you and my son mi­grate be­cause of sev­er­al death threats on you. The thanks I get for this is at­tacks from every quar­ter, to the point that I am told not to so­cialise and be seen do­ing any­thing oth­er than work be­cause of the mur­der rate," Grif­fith said in his post.

He added: "So my apolo­gies my dar­ling. Over the last 14 months, I worked 18 hours a day, 7 days a week and this is seen as not enough. So I would be forced to elim­i­nate sleep­ing, or do­ing any­thing—like even tak­ing you out for din­ner—be­cause these wan­na be crime ex­perts say that a Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er should be more re­spon­si­ble due to crime in the coun­try."

An apology on their wedding anniversary from Police Commissioner Gary Griffith, to his wife, Nicole Dyer Griffith

An apology on their wedding anniversary from Police Commissioner Gary Griffith, to his wife, Nicole Dyer Griffith


Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia, Dy­er-Grif­fith said she on­ly had con­trol over how she choose to re­spond to oth­ers.

She as­sures that she has her hus­band's en­tire be­ing.

"What they choose to say or think or feel is up to them... Rest as­sured, we’re as good as gold, as our fam­i­ly con­tin­ues to be lift­ed in prayer on a dai­ly ba­sis. In terms of be­ing sup­port­ive and hav­ing his back, know this, I have his en­tire be­ing, not on­ly his back."

Dy­er-Grif­fith de­scribes her hus­band as the most ded­i­cat­ed, in­tense and hard­work­ing hu­man she has ever en­coun­tered.

"So, crit­ics will crit­i­cize, and that’s their right. As is the right of the per­son be­ing crit­i­cized to re­spond. ‘Rights’ are not a one way street,” she points out. “Gary is one of the most ded­i­cat­ed, in­tense, and hard­work­ing hu­mans I have ever en­coun­tered. He is the most pas­sion­ate about his coun­try, and its cit­i­zen­ry. So much so that he places this above most else. That’s the guy. But then again, so am I, and so is our son. We all have rep­re­sent­ed our coun­try. We all have sac­ri­ficed for our coun­try. We all have ab­sorbed crit­i­cism, abuse, dis­dain, and neg­a­tiv­i­ty for our coun­try. And against all that, we will nev­er stop our ser­vice. It may change with time, but it’s in our DNA," Dy­er-Grif­fith said.

The top cop said it is in­deed time that he gives his crit­ics what they want.

"To those who have spent their time try­ing to de­monise me, I hope you and those who you love, are pre­pared to get what you ask for," Grif­fith said.

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