The National Joint Action Committee (NJAC) is calling for a complete overhaul of the health system in Trinidad and Tobago, along with the current strategies being employed in the fight against Covid 19.
In an official statement issued today, NJAC warns of “an impending disaster in the health sector”.
“The nation is presently witnessing a worsening health crisis, with December being recorded as the deadliest month and an increasing number of hospital admission and deaths of fully vaccinated persons. This means, as it stands, the approach being taken at present, has been found wanting,” NJAC says.
The organisation believes Government must change its strategy in battling the pandemic, with one major step being to:
“…immediately withdraw the safe zone policy for Public Service/Public Sector workers and embark on a process of national mobilisation and consultation with various organisations, including the labour movement.”
NJAC also made recommendations to alleviate the problems of the health care system in a manner to support and reduce the despair health workers are experiencing:
● A regularisation of all nurses and doctors on contract and the seeking of supplemental staff from other jurisdictions.
● A recall of retired nurses and midwives, who should be placed on short term contracts.
● Provision of a Special Hazard Allowance or similar benefit for health care workers.
● Attempts to secure additional specially trained ICU personnel to increase capacity at all ICU departments.