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Thursday, March 6, 2025

No new homes for HDC Greenvale flood victims


Gail Alexander
2235 days ago
Housing Minister Edmund Dillon speaks during the Senate yesterday.

Housing Minister Edmund Dillon speaks during the Senate yesterday.


While the Hous­ing De­vel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion (HDC) is not con­sid­er­ing re­lo­cat­ing Green­vale res­i­dents who were hit by the Oc­to­ber floods, some res­i­dents have al­so with­drawn re­lo­ca­tion re­quests be­cause of flood mit­i­ga­tion pro­grammes.

Hous­ing Min­is­ter Ed­mund Dil­lon made both points in the Sen­ate on Mon­day. He was ques­tioned by the Op­po­si­tion con­cern­ing the sit­u­a­tion with HDC’s 634 Green­vale de­vel­op­ment res­i­dents who were se­vere­ly af­fect­ed by the Oc­to­ber floods.

On whether con­sid­er­a­tion is be­ing giv­en to re­lo­cat­ing the res­i­dents, Dil­lon said, “The (HDC) records state that there is a steady in­crease in the de­mand for pub­lic hous­ing with over 176,000 ap­pli­cants on the wait­ing list.”

“In light of this, the Gov­ern­ment is look­ing at oth­er ini­tia­tives to pro­vide low-cost hous­ing by get­ting pri­vate sec­tor in­volve­ment through the Pub­lic Pri­vate Part­ner­ship (PPP) and the Hous­ing Con­struc­tion In­cen­tive Pro­gramme (HCIP).”

“At this time the HDC isn’t giv­ing con­sid­er­a­tion to re­lo­cat­ing the res­i­dents of its Green­vale Hous­ing De­vel­op­ment as there isn’t a suf­fi­cient sup­ply of hous­ing units to cater to all 634 res­i­dents af­fect­ed by the re­cent flood.”

Dil­lon con­firmed some res­i­dents had ap­proached the Min­istry for re­lo­ca­tion but as men­tioned be­fore that’s not be­ing con­sid­ered “at this point in time.” He said res­i­dents had raised re­lo­ca­tion even in pub­lic meet­ings on the mat­ter - but he couldn’t give a spe­cif­ic fig­ure.

Dil­lon, how­ev­er, added that some res­i­dents have al­so with­drawn their re­lo­ca­tion re­quest.

“.....So it’s a mix­ture of peo­ple. HDC hav­ing done some work in the af­ter­math of the flood, some peo­ple are quite com­fort­able with the work that has been done.”

“As a mat­ter of fact, there’s an ini­tia­tive to do flood mit­i­ga­tion with the Works Min­istry with HDC to pre­vent a re­cur­rence of the flood that oc­curred - so res­i­dents them­selves are re­con­sid­er­ing that re­quest for re­lo­ca­tion,”

The Min­is­ter said con­sid­er­a­tion had not been giv­en to the es­tab­lish­ment of a Com­mis­sion of In­quiry in­to the cause of the Green­vale flood­ing. How­ev­er, he not­ed post-flood­ing last year, the Works Min­istry was in­struct­ed to do im­me­di­ate hy­dro­log­i­cal probe in­to af­fect­ed ar­eas in­clud­ing South La Hor­quet­ta that leads in­to Green­vale.

“This will de­ter­mine why Green­vale was heav­i­ly im­pact­ed and what phys­i­cal work can be done to ame­lio­rate the drainage sys­tems and bring greater com­fort to those liv­ing in that ar­eas,” he said.

Dil­lon said the hy­dro­log­i­cal sur­vey has been com­plet­ed and is be­ing eval­u­at­ed.

“It’s ex­pect­ed that the de­sign of an en­gi­neer­ing so­lu­tion to the drainage is­sues at Green­vale will be fi­nalised by month-end or ear­ly Feb­ru­ary,” he added.

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