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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Nutrien announces temporary shutdown at Trinidad ammonia facility


1750 days ago

Nu­trien Litd. has shut­down one of its four am­mo­nia plants in Trinidad, for a pe­ri­od of three months. Nu­trien says the key rea­son is cur­rent mar­ket prices for am­mo­nia.

In an of­fi­cial state­ment is­sued to­day, the Com­pa­ny stat­ed that the re­main­ing three plants in Trinidad will con­tin­ue to op­er­ate, as nor­mal.

The of­fi­cial state­ment by the com­pa­ny, fol­lows…


Saska­toon, Saskatchewan – Nu­trien Ltd. an­nounced to­day that it has made the dif­fi­cult de­ci­sion to tem­porar­i­ly shut down one of the four am­mo­nia (NH3) plants at its Trinidad fa­cil­i­ty. The tem­po­rary shut­down is in re­sponse to the cur­rent mar­ket price of am­mo­nia. The plant has an an­nu­al am­mo­nia ca­pac­i­ty of 600,000 met­ric tonnes per year.  The oth­er three am­mo­nia plants and one urea fa­cil­i­ty at the site will con­tin­ue to op­er­ate at nor­mal rates.     

We ex­pect the shut­down to last for a min­i­mum of three months. We will con­tin­ue to mon­i­tor mar­ket con­di­tions go­ing for­ward as we as­sess any fur­ther changes in pro­duc­tion.

* About Nu­trien

Nu­trien is the world's largest provider of crop in­puts and ser­vices, play­ing a crit­i­cal role in help­ing grow­ers in­crease food pro­duc­tion in a sus­tain­able man­ner. We pro­duce and dis­trib­ute 25 mil­lion tonnes of potash, ni­tro­gen and phos­phate prod­ucts world-wide. With this ca­pa­bil­i­ty and our lead­ing agri­cul­ture re­tail net­work, we are well po­si­tioned to sup­ply the needs of our cus­tomers. We op­er­ate with a long-term view and are com­mit­ted to work­ing with our stake­hold­ers as we ad­dress our eco­nom­ic, en­vi­ron­men­tal and so­cial pri­or­i­ties. The scale and di­ver­si­ty of our in­te­grat­ed port­fo­lio pro­vides a sta­ble earn­ings base, mul­ti­ple av­enues for growth and the op­por­tu­ni­ty to re­turn cap­i­tal to share­hold­ers.

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