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Friday, March 28, 2025

One-year-old baby burned to death in house fire


Otto Carrington
540 days ago

Se­nior Re­porter


The com­mu­ni­ty of Egypt Trace Ex­ten­sion, En­deav­our, Ch­agua­nas, was thrown in­to mourn­ing yes­ter­day, af­ter one-year-old Harley Per­sad died in a fire at her fam­i­ly’s res­i­dence.

The heart-wrench­ing event oc­curred while lit­tle Harley was peace­ful­ly asleep in her bed­room af­ter the fire erupt­ed short­ly af­ter 11 am.

Harley’s par­ents, both farm­ers, and her grand­par­ents rushed to her as­sis­tance, but trag­i­cal­ly were too late to save her.

Des­per­ate cries for help echo­ing through­out the neigh­bour­hood, prompt­ed their neigh­bour Bob­by Ram­ta­hal, his broth­er and oth­er res­i­dents to self­less­ly at­tempt a res­cue, but their coura­geous ef­forts were un­suc­cess­ful.

Ram­ta­hal was in­jured dur­ing the res­cue at­tempt.

“I tried to get my fire ex­tin­guish­er, and a few neigh­bours brought some as well, but it was un­able to ex­tin­guish the fire. We tried us­ing a gar­den hoe to pull the crib, but you could not see any­thing in the room,” he re­count­ed to Guardian Me­dia.

“I and my broth­er, the child’s moth­er, fa­ther and grand­fa­ther were there, but the child’s moth­er and fa­ther sus­tained se­vere burns and had to be tak­en to the hos­pi­tal.”

He con­tin­ued, “We tried, but we were un­suc­cess­ful. If I had a few more min­utes be­fore the fire in­ten­si­fied, I would have gone in, even if it meant get­ting burned, to save that child.”

Lit­tle Harley’s grand­fa­ther, De­osaran Per­sad, heard the in­fant’s pierc­ing cry on­ly once, as thick smoke swift­ly en­veloped the en­tire room where she lay.

De­osaran had seen his grand­daugh­ter just a cou­ple of hours be­fore she set­tled down for her rou­tine nap. His face and hair were scorched by the in­tense heat of the flames.

Still reel­ing from the in­ci­dent, he re­count­ed how he was on the verge of leav­ing the house when he heard his wife’s an­guished cries.

“Up un­til this morn­ing when she came in, she was smil­ing right through. They took her and put her to bed. I was just about to leave when my wife shout­ed ‘fire.’ When I reached the door, I re­alised that the room was on fire. I made two or three at­tempts to get in­to the room to bring out the child; that was my first pri­or­i­ty,” De­osaran said.

He added, “This is so un­for­tu­nate. Nor­mal­ly, I know my son, grand­daugh­ter and daugh­ter-in-law, and they have all the time in the world, but things just hap­pened dif­fer­ent­ly this time. That room must have been on fire for a lit­tle while, and nor­mal­ly, the child would cry out. I was down­stairs, and I did not hear any­thing.”

Harley’s moth­er was al­so in­jured while at­tempt­ing to res­cue her daugh­ter. She re­mained at hos­pi­tal last night, while her hus­band was treat­ed and dis­charged.

Ch­agua­nas East MP Van­dana Mo­hit vis­it­ed the fam­i­ly but did not get to speak to the child’s par­ents as they had al­ready been tak­en to the hos­pi­tal.

“I have been speak­ing to neigh­bours and we will come back lat­er to have dis­cus­sions about what they need. I will do my best to as­sist,” Mo­hit said.

Ch­agua­nas May­or Faaiq Mo­hammed al­so vis­it­ed the fam­i­ly and ex­pressed con­cern about the in­creas­ing num­ber of trag­ic in­ci­dents in­volv­ing chil­dren, from drown­ings to house fires.

He shared his ini­tia­tive to teach life-sav­ing skills, such as CPR, in pri­ma­ry schools and ed­u­cate chil­dren on how to re­spond to emer­gen­cies like falling in­to a pool. The may­or as­sured that the Ch­agua­nas cor­po­ra­tion will pro­vide sup­port to the griev­ing fam­i­ly.

In a me­dia re­lease, the Trinidad and To­ba­go Fire Ser­vice ex­tend­ed their con­do­lences to the Per­sad fam­i­ly, stat­ing that the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the fire were still un­der in­ves­ti­ga­tion.

Fol­low­ing is a list of chil­dren who died of un­nat­ur­al caus­es so far this year:

An­drea Lal­lan, 13, was mur­dered at her Rio Claro home on Sep­tem­ber 29, hours af­fect­ing iden­ti­fy­ing her al­leged rapists at the Rio Claro Po­lice Sta­tion.

Shaz­ade Si­mon, three, of Gas­par­il­lo, died at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal on Sep­tem­ber 25 af­ter sus­tain­ing burn in­juries from falling in­to a pot of lentils. An au­top­sy de­ter­mined that she died from blood clots.

D’Amarie Jef­frey, five, of La Brea, drowned at Fun Splash Wa­ter Park, Debe, on Sep­tem­ber 24, where he went with rel­a­tives to cel­e­brate his cousin’s birth­day.

Faith Pe­terkin, 10, Ar­i­an­na Pe­terkin, 14, Shane Pe­terkin, 17, Tiffany Pe­terkin, 19, were shot to death at the Height of Gua­napo home on Sep­tem­ber 21st. Five oth­er peo­ple, in­clud­ing a 14-year-old boy, were al­so in­jured.

Sha­keel Williams, five, of St Juan, died at his grand­moth­er’s home on Sep­tem­ber 2, af­ter he was found un­re­spon­sive with marks on his body. Po­lice ruled it a homi­cide and held two rel­a­tives for ques­tion­ing.

Pre­cious Wills, 17, of Crown Point, To­ba­go, was shot dead while lim­ing on Up Top Bar and Lounge on Au­gust 27.

Jude Hec­tor, 16, from Ca­roni, was shot dead by a gun­man on Au­gust 20.

Ma­jeed Rasha­da, nine, drowned in the Aripo Riv­er on Au­gust 19.

Ra­ni­ah Lewis, two, choked on a chen­nette seed at her Siparia home on Au­gust 17. A younger rel­a­tive re­port­ed­ly shared out the fruits to her and oth­ers.

Adesh Joseph, 10, per­ished in a fire with his moth­er, Natasha Nan­coo and broth­er, En­rique Reyes, at their home in San­gre Grande on Au­gust 17.

Omari Prov­i­dence, nine, of Laven­tille, dis­ap­peared un­der­wa­ter as he and his rel­a­tives bathed at Mis­sion Beach, To­co, on Ju­ly 30.

Tyrese Singh, 16, drowned in Man­zanil­la on Ju­ly 31.

Isaac Madoos­ingh, 17, was shot by a gun­man at his San­gre Grande home on Ju­ly 26.

Tariq Toney, 12, died af­ter falling on­to a knife at the back of his Fifth Com­pa­ny, Princes Town home on Ju­ly 10.

Ari­ah Shep­pard, three, of Sea Lots, died at the San­gre Grande Hos­pi­tal on Ju­ly 11 af­ter falling ill at her grand­moth­er’s home in Matelot. Re­ports in­di­cat­ed a de­lay in get­ting med­ical help as no am­bu­lance was avail­able.

Keil Paul, 14, of Va­len­cia, was killed by gun­men while play­ing foot­ball at KP Lands Va­len­cia Sa­van­nah on March 25.

Aar­ron Hills, 17, of Rock­ley Vale, To­ba­go, died in a ve­hi­cle ac­ci­dent in Scar­bor­ough on March 12.

Kylie Mal­oney, six, died from a gun­shot wound to the chest when gun­men stormed her San­gre Grande home on Jan­u­ary 8.

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