Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC MP, is alleging that the scandal surrounding Government’s illegal spying on law-abiding citizens goes even further and deeper than can be imagined.
In an official statement issued today, the Opposition Leader asks pointed questions as whether pressure was brought to bear on certain senior officials in the Police Service and wants to know why the crime situation is so bad if the activity of criminals is being closely monitored.
She also hints at other mechanisms being employed in the illegal surveillance initiative, which she alleges may have come from foreign governments.
The full text of the Opposition Leader’s statement follows…
Rowley’s admission on a political platform that his government has indeed been utilizing spy equipment should alarm every citizen of Trinidad and Tobago.
In addition to the Pegasus spy software that is being used to monitor law-abiding citizens’ private WhatsApp messages, this government has another system that is supplied and supported by a foreign entity. This system is supposed to be used for the monitoring of illegal activities such as terrorism, drug smuggling and gang organization.
However, this system is also being misused to spy on law-abiding citizens. Certain hand-picked police officers have approached this foreign entity and misled them, in order to gain their assistance in spying on law-abiding TT nationals.
Rowley has claimed the equipment is being used in the surveillance of gangs, but if that was indeed the case, why is crime still rampant in this country? Why are illegal guns and ammunition still pouring into our land? Why are gangs increasing in number? Why are citizens fearful for their lives and their loved ones because crime continues unabated?
Following my call on Wednesday to National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds to state what is the role of Constable Clement in the interception of communications, I was further informed that Constable Clement is reportedly operating separately from the main TTPS structure and is reporting directly to Minister Hinds. This operation is based at a house in north Valsayn which is being rented by the TTPS, and equipment and personnel involved in this illegal spying are currently based there.
It is noteworthy that this junior officer Clement was attached to the Police Intelligence Unit (PIU) when former Commissioner of Police Griffith was in charge. Then DCP MacDonald Jacob expressed serious concerns that a constable was too junior to have all this power, and Clement was transferred from the PIU to the Special Branch.
Today, I ask Minister Hinds whether, at any time, he expressed his opposition to this transfer to then Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith, and whether attempts were made to pressure Griffith to reverse the transfer?
I ask further whether, following Griffith’s departure, attempts were made to coerce and harass COP (Ag) MacDonald Jacob to reverse Clement’s transfer? Was it Acting CoP Jacob who relented after constant harassment and moved Clement back to PIU and set him up in the Valsayn location?
The deliberate misuse of equipment and personnel by this government to spy on citizens of Trinidad and Tobago is deeply disturbing.
This government has lost all legitimacy, and more so, the trust of the people of this nation.
Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP
Leader of the Opposition