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Monday, February 17, 2025

Pan Trinbago boss: North Stand will be ready for Panorama


Angelo Jedidiah
769 days ago
Pan Trinbago president Beverley Ramsey-Moore taking part in the draw for positions for the Small Conventional Steel Orchestra finals at the Grand Stand, Queen’s Park Savannah, yesterday.

Pan Trinbago president Beverley Ramsey-Moore taking part in the draw for positions for the Small Conventional Steel Orchestra finals at the Grand Stand, Queen’s Park Savannah, yesterday.



Pan Trin­ba­go pres­i­dent Bev­er­ley Ram­sey-Moore has giv­en the as­sur­ance that the North Stand will be com­plet­ed in time for the Panora­ma 2023 cham­pi­onships.

Speak­ing yes­ter­day at the draw for the or­der of per­for­mances for the Small Con­ven­tion­al Steel Or­ches­tra fi­nals, Ram­sey-Moore said this year’s Panora­ma sea­son will have many dy­nam­ic per­for­mances and will be rem­i­nis­cent of the 1963 Panora­ma.

She urged steel­bands to not get caught up in in­ter­nal squab­bles and said there should not be neg­a­tive com­pe­ti­tion among arrangers.

“We the band­lead­ers have to make sure the brand is the band and not the arranger,” she said.

For the Small Con­ven­tion­al Panora­ma fi­nals on Sat­ur­day, 16 steel­bands are ex­pect­ed to com­pete, in­clud­ing six from To­ba­go.

Or­der of per­for­mances:

1. Al­pha Pan Pi­o­neers

2. High­landers Steel Or­ches­tra

3. Ari­ma Gold­en Sym­pho­ny

4. To­ba­go Pan Thers

5. St Mar­garet’s Su­per Stars

6. C&B Crown Cor­daans

7. West­side Sym­pho­ny

8. Panoson­ic Con­nec­tions

9. Up­town Fas­ci­na­tors

10. Gen­e­sis Pan Groove

11. Fas­ci­na­tors Pan Sym­pho­ny

12. ↓T&TEC New East­side Di­men­sion

13. ↓T&T De­fence Force Steel Or­ches­tra

14. Fu­sion Steel

15. South­ern Stars

16. Road Block Steel Or­ches­tra

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