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Friday, March 7, 2025

Pandemic ‘hero’ brings relief to family of 10


1764 days ago

Suzanne Shep­perd

Aleeyah Aman­da Ali was in­volved in char­i­ty work long be­fore the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic caused a sud­den rise in pover­ty in this coun­try. But when she saw a child about to eat a dried co­conut be­cause the fam­i­ly had no food it broke her heart.

Ali and her team, who have been go­ing around the coun­try de­liv­er­ing emer­gency sup­plies of fresh food, veg­eta­bles and ba­sic ne­ces­si­ties to peo­ple hit hard by the pan­dem­ic, came across the fam­i­ly of ten liv­ing on a small com­pound.

“We were so hap­py that we could bring food to this fam­i­ly, so they could make a meal for them­selves.”

Ali is well known for her work with var­i­ous an­i­mal shel­ters and as­so­ci­a­tions. She pro­vides hun­dreds of kilo­grams of fresh fruit and veg­eta­bles for en­dan­gered an­i­mals on a dai­ly and week­ly ba­sis.

In­ter­est­ing­ly, she is al­so a clown. As Redzi the Clown she has brought her own brand of fun and laugh­ter to chil­dren.

Then came the glob­al pan­dem­ic and the de­mands on her or­ga­ni­za­tion grew al­most overnight, as fam­i­lies who were strug­gling be­fore, now lost what­ev­er lit­tle in­comes they had as the na­tion­al lock­down closed all but es­sen­tial busi­ness­es.

Aman­da rose to the chal­lenge, ral­ly­ing her team which in­clud­ed her hus­band Kr­ish­na, who all worked to get emer­gency sup­plies of fresh food, veg­eta­bles and ba­sic ne­ces­si­ties to fam­i­lies across the coun­try, in­clud­ing To­ba­go!

Ac­cord­ing to Aleeyah “we went to one fam­i­ly where there were about 10 peo­ple liv­ing in a small com­pound. One of the chil­dren was about to eat a dried co­conut as there was noth­ing left in the house…it broke my heart and yet…we were so hap­py that we could bring food to this fam­i­ly, so they could make a meal for them­selves.”

How do you de­scribe a girl like Aleeyah?

De­scrib­ing this ball of en­er­gy would be very dif­fi­cult in nor­mal terms. She’s not just an ad­vo­cate for good gov­er­nance but is al­so pas­sion­ate about teach­ing life skills and lega­cy cre­ation. Plus she is al­so a clown! Redzi the Clown is her own brand, bring­ing fun, laugh­ter and learn­ing to­geth­er for the lit­tle ones in the coun­try.

But this clown wears her heart on her sleeve, blend­ing com­pas­sion for the un­der­priv­i­leged with a pas­sion for de­vel­op­ment and em­pow­er­ment in women, chil­dren and the el­der­ly.

To say she is a go-get­ter is an un­der­state­ment as she has start­ed and heads or­gan­i­sa­tions that serve the com­mu­ni­ty in myr­i­ad ways.

At any giv­en day, her so­cial me­dia pages show an ar­ray of ac­tiv­i­ty, from ham­per de­liv­er­ies to Ma­yaro and Princes Town, to the col­lec­tion of fresh pro­duce from farm­ers to dis­trib­ute to fam­i­lies in need, to her out­spo­ken views on cur­rent af­fairs of the day.

She has cho­sen to walk the talk and has been en­gaged in farm­ing and an­i­mal hus­bandry for sev­er­al years. This is all in an ef­fort to “go lo­cal”, eat­ing what her farm pro­duces and shar­ing with her com­mu­ni­ties.

Her net­work of like-mind­ed in­di­vid­u­als all share the same pas­sion for help­ing their com­mu­ni­ties and have come to­geth­er to share what­ev­er re­sources they have gath­ered to pro­vide food and fresh pro­duce ham­pers for fam­i­lies ad­verse­ly af­fect­ed by the COVID-19 lock­down. To date, with­out any state help or fund­ing, they have de­liv­ered over 200 ham­pers and count­ing!

If you wish to help in these ef­forts please con­tact her on – 758-1823 or email: aleeya­haman­da@hot­

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