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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Parents pick up students of Iere High School following bomb threat


660 days ago

Anx­ious about the safe­ty of their chil­dren, par­ents of stu­dents at­tend­ing Iere High School in Siparia came to pick up their chil­dren, as fire­fight­ers made a sweep of their school fol­low­ing a bomb threat.

Led by prin­ci­pal Roy Nand­lal, the chil­dren stood in the recre­ation ground await­ing in­struc­tions while the teach­ers sat in the wait­ing area.

Nand­lal said they were sub­mit­ting School Based As­sess­ments when the dis­rup­tion oc­curred.

One par­ent Ann Marie Ce­de­no hugged her daugh­ter Va­le­ria Ro­jas in re­lief as she ar­rived at the school.

"This is scary be­cause you can send your chil­dren to school and nev­er know what can hap­pen," she said.

Jer­ry Ali who al­so ar­rived to pick up his child said the per­son who dis­rupt­ed schools should be con­sid­ered.

" I don't like this. I had to leave work to come here. The school called twice," he said.

Guardian Me­dia will bring you more as this sto­ry de­vel­ops.

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