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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Parties report low voter turnout


1512 days ago
PDP leader Farley Augustine after voting at the Speyside Anglican Primary School in yesterday’s THA election.

PDP leader Farley Augustine after voting at the Speyside Anglican Primary School in yesterday’s THA election.


Of­fi­cial fig­ures, in­clud­ing vot­er turnout, will be re­leased by the Elec­tions and Bound­aries Com­mis­sion (EBC) but PNM To­ba­go of­fi­cials and UNC’s chair­man yes­ter­day re­port­ed low turnouts in To­ba­go and Trinidad elec­tions re­spec­tive­ly.

In To­ba­go’s THA elec­tions, 51,062 peo­ple were el­i­gi­ble to vote. In the five by-elec­tions, there was a to­tal of 32, 351 el­i­gi­ble vot­ers. The elec­torate in the five ar­eas com­pris­es Ari­ma Cen­tral—4,147 vot­ers, Cunu­pia—8,318, Hin­dus­tan/St Mary’s—8,723, Hol­ly­wood—2,748) and Morne Co­co/Alyce Glen—8,415)

PNM To­ba­go chair­man Stan­ford Cal­len­dar said at 3 pm a low turnout in the THA polls was not­ed and that was in PNM’s favour.

Cal­len­dar said he was on­ly aware of one is­sue where a Scar­bor­ough Calder Hall polling sta­tion opened half an hour late.

A spokesman who an­swered PDP leader Far­ley Au­gus­tine’s phone said there was an ex­cel­lent turnout with no is­sues not­ed.

In Trinidad, PNM PRO Lau­rel Leza­ma-Lee Sing said there had been a mod­er­ate lev­el of vot­ers “slight­ly low­er than Lo­cal Gov­ern­ment polls.” UNC chair­man Dave Tan­coo al­so re­port­ed a low turnout.

UNC deputy leader Jear­lean John said there had been no re­ports of any in­ci­dents that es­ca­lat­ed.

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