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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Party done for ILP


Gail Alexander
606 days ago
Independent Liberal Party, ILP, logo

Independent Liberal Party, ILP, logo


The In­de­pen­dent Lib­er­al Par­ty will be dis­solv­ing, so its mem­bers twill be free to join the UNC.

Fol­low­ing Mon­day’s UNC/NTA meet­ing with ILP founder Jack Warn­er, the ILP’s gen­er­al sec­re­tary In­dra Maraj said yes­ter­day the par­ty would call a mem­ber­ship meet­ing and bring an end to the par­ty.

On Mon­day, ILP founder Warn­er ap­peared on the po­lit­i­cal plat­form with the UNC/NTA at the Cen­tre of Ex­cel­lence, promis­ing to wear a mono­grammed UNC shirt when he has earned the right to do so.

He al­so an­nounced that he would con­vene a meet­ing to dis­band the ILP to rein­te­grate its mem­bers in­to the UNC.

The IP was formed in Ju­ly 2013 by Warn­er when he was not re-se­lect­ed by the UNC as its can­di­date for Ch­agua­nas West.

In a me­dia re­lease yes­ter­day, Ma­haraj said, “Mrs Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar and the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress have been fight­ing tire­less­ly to re­move the PNM. The ILP shares the vi­sion of the UNC for a bet­ter T&T, for a land where the peo­ple can feel safe again, where food is af­ford­able, where health care saves lives.

“It’s now time for the ILP to join forces with the UNC to achieve those ob­jec­tives.

Ma­haraj added that ILP mem­bers were in full sup­port of the de­ci­sion by the founder.

“Tues­day morn­ing we con­tin­ue to re­ceive calls and mes­sages from peo­ple who are im­mense­ly pleased with our de­ci­sion and are pledg­ing their sup­port, reaf­firm­ing their com­mit­ment to con­tribute to­wards this com­mon goal,” the state­ment read.

Ma­haraj added, “The sec­ond step will be to call a meet­ing of our mem­ber­ship, and dis­solve the ILP so that our mem­ber­ship is free to be­come mem­bers of the UNC.”

‘Good be­hav­iour noth­ing’

Mean­while, hours be­fore on Mon­day, UNC deputy po­lit­i­cal leader Jear­lean John said every­where around the coun­try, peo­ple are say­ing they were fed up with the PNM Gov­ern­ment.

Speak­ing at the Cen­tre of Ex­cel­lence, she said the PNM is aware the “rum­ble is com­ing.”

“And this is why the PNM is ‘tak­ing in front’ boast­ing that af­ter the Au­gust 14 Lo­cal Gov­ern­ment Elec­tions they’ll still be the Gov­ern­ment. All they care about is to hold on­to pow­er at all costs!” John de­clared.

John who came on stage sway­ing to the mu­sic be­ing played, de­liv­ered a thun­der­ous ad­dress to the cheer­ing au­di­ence.

John said, “In this week of Eman­ci­pa­tion, we are a coun­try that is at war with it­self … there is not much we agree on be­cause we live in a democ­ra­cy where we’re free to dis­sent/dis­agree, and some­times we do so vig­or­ous­ly.

“But what I’ve not­ed is the over­whelm­ing ma­jor­i­ty is say­ing that Kei­th Christo­pher Row­ley has to go. The word on the streets is, ‘We fed up!’,” she said.

“Un­til jus­tice and eq­ui­ty is re­turned to T&T there will be no re­treat, no sur­ren­der! …They could say what they want! ‘Good be­hav­iour noth­ing’!” John thun­dered.

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