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Friday, March 28, 2025

Penal woman grieves for murdered son


31 days ago

Se­nior Re­porter


Sev­en months af­ter a woman found her son mur­dered on his bed, the 81-year-old Pe­nal moth­er is again griev­ing for an­oth­er son who al­so met a vi­o­lent death.

“Is too much,” cried Ram­ra­jiya Be­har­ry yes­ter­day as she wept for her son Lucky Jagdeo, who was found float­ing in a riv­er with a wound to his head in San Fran­cique in Pe­nal ear­ly yes­ter­day morn­ing.

Short­ly af­ter mid­night, Jagdeo, 60, al­so called Pam, was lim­ing and drink­ing in a shed near the river­bank on Sansecc Com­pound in San Fran­cique, not far from his home, when a sus­pect be­gan ar­gu­ing with him and beat­ing him. Jagdeo’s friend Roland Ram­jat­tan said the sus­pect al­so at­tacked him, and he ran.

When he re­turned about half an hour lat­er, he found Jagdeo float­ing in the riv­er.

Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day, Ram­jat­tan re­called that they were lim­ing when the sus­pect and an­oth­er man joined them. 

He said when the sus­pect be­gan beat­ing Jagdeo, he could not help his friend be­cause the sus­pect had al­so at­tacked him, and he had no choice but to “run for my life.”

He be­lieves that Jagdeo was beat­en and then thrown in­to the riv­er.

Lament­ing that he shared a close friend­ship with Jagdeo, he said they con­sid­ered each oth­er broth­ers.

Jagdeo had two oth­er sib­lings who died in trag­ic cir­cum­stances. One of his broth­ers, Anil James, was killed in a ve­hic­u­lar ac­ci­dent more than 20 years ago, and last Ju­ly, An­tho­ny James was killed on his bed. James lived next door to his moth­er’s home. No one was ar­rest­ed for his mur­der.

Sit­ting on a chair, Be­har­ry cried as she spoke about her mur­dered sons. 

She said Jagdeo was al­ways around to help her. “Any­thing to do, my son used to come and do. I don’t know how I see so much of trou­ble. One be­hind the oth­er, I get­ting trou­ble.”

The el­der­ly woman said last night she thought Jagdeo was at home in his ham­mock.

She said her daugh­ter called his phone, but it rang once, and they did not get through again.

“That’s the time they done kill him and throw him in the riv­er,” she lament­ed.

The fam­i­ly is hop­ing that they get jus­tice. Jagdeo had no chil­dren and was not mar­ried. An au­top­sy was ex­pect­ed to be done yes­ter­day at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre.

Of­fi­cers of the Homi­cide Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tions Re­gion 3 are in­ves­ti­gat­ing.

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