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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

PM shocked, angered after killing of 5-year-old Anika Guerra


Ryan Bachoo
187 days ago
Enrico Andy Guerra, and his five-year-old daughter, Anika Guerra

Enrico Andy Guerra, and his five-year-old daughter, Anika Guerra

Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley says he is “shocked and an­gered” at the killing of five-year-old Ani­ka Guer­ra.

Gun­men opened fire on Moru­ga busi­ness­man En­ri­co Andy Guer­ra, killing him and his five-year-old daugh­ter, on Tues­day night.

The killing sent shock­waves across the coun­try.

Re­act­ing to the mur­ders, the Prime Min­is­ter wrote on Face­book late on Wednes­day night, “Tonight, I am shocked and an­gered at the bar­barism that could re­sult in vi­o­lent crim­i­nal con­duct with to­tal dis­re­gard for hu­man life in our coun­try, which could see an adult with a firearm de­liv­er sev­er­al shots in­to the body of a five-year-old child. This and acts like these rep­re­sent the worst of what we are and what we have pro­duced.”

Dr Row­ley pledged to “re­lent­less­ly pur­sue those who so wan­ton­ly as­sault our safe­ty and se­cu­ri­ty.”

He went fur­ther in adding, “Our na­tion­al ef­forts must not wa­ver, the heart­less per­pe­tra­tors will be iden­ti­fied, and jus­tice will be served to­wards the end of elim­i­nat­ing this scourge from our coun­try.”

The dou­ble mur­der in Moru­ga pushed the coun­try’s mur­der toll past 400.


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