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Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Tracy throws hat in ring for Tobago council leadership again


Camille Mceachnie
1929 days ago
Tracy Davidson-Celestine

Tracy Davidson-Celestine

Camille Mceach­nie

Tra­cy David­son-Ce­les­tine, the for­mer deputy leader of the To­ba­go Coun­cil of the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment, has thrown her hat in the ring for lead­er­ship of the coun­cil.

She is in Cos­ta Ri­ca as this coun­try’s am­bas­sador.

David­son-Ce­les­tine, who was al­so Sec­re­tary of Tourism un­der the Orville Lon­don-led ad­min­is­tra­tion, is the first can­di­date to chal­lenge Kelvin Charles’ lead­er­ship.

It’s her sec­ond move to grab the po­si­tion as she lost to Charles in the par­ty’s first-ever in­ter­nal elec­tions us­ing the one man one vote sys­tem, in Ju­ly 2016.

On­ly two po­si­tions were con­test­ed then through that sys­tem of vot­ing: po­lit­i­cal leader and chair­man. Stan­ford Cal­len­der was re­tained as chair­man.

`Yes­ter­day, David­son- Ce­les­tine sig­naled her in­ten­tions to run for the lead­er­ship po­si­tion again by re­leas­ing her cam­paign’s sym­bol.

It’s a clasped hand, set in a red back­ground, with words writ­ten in white. She an­nounced:’ TRA­CY 2020...OUR PAR­TY... OUR JOUR­NEY...OUR IS­LAND.’

The tagline read:’ Reen­er­gis­ing our par­ty: De­vel­op­ing our is­land.’

Com­ment­ing on the am­bas­sador’s chal­lenge for lead­er­ship, Cal­len­der said he “wel­comed all” and not­ed that “by De­cem­ber 9- nom­i­na­tion day, we will see all who will con­test the po­si­tions.”

He said the coun­cil is cur­rent­ly work­ing out rules, reg­u­la­tions and a code of con­duct to gov­ern cam­paign­ing.

It’s the first time all the par­ty’s po­si­tions will be up for grabs us­ing the one man one vote sys­tem. In the last elec­tion, 15 oth­er po­si­tions were filled us­ing the del­e­gate sys­tem.

On Jan­u­ary 19, 2020, all po­si­tions will be filled us­ing the new sys­tem.

The po­si­tions are for chair­man, po­lit­i­cal leader, vice chair­man, la­dy vice-chair­man, sec­re­tary-gen­er­al, elec­tions of­fi­cer, pub­lic re­la­tions of­fi­cer, op­er­a­tions of­fi­cer, filed of­fi­cer, filed of­fi­cer, la­bor re­la­tions of­fi­cer, wel­fare of­fi­cer, so­cial me­dia of­fi­cer, youth of­fi­cer, as­sis­tant sec­re­tary, re­search of­fi­cer, ed­u­ca­tion of­fi­cer and trea­sur­er.

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