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Monday, February 24, 2025

Police called in to quell tension in East PoS


Peter Christopher
2131 days ago
Police officers try to calm angry residents on Nelson Street, Port-of-Spain, last night.

Police officers try to calm angry residents on Nelson Street, Port-of-Spain, last night.


Guard and Emer­gency Branch (GEB) of­fi­cers were called in­to East Port-of-Spain on Thursday as res­i­dents be­came an­gered by the re­turn of cer­tain mem­bers of a ri­val gang to the area.

The res­i­dents ex­pressed anger as the re­turn­ing res­i­dents were ac­com­pa­nied by po­lice of­fi­cers.

“We don’t want them here,” res­i­dents could be heard shout­ing short­ly be­fore 7 pm as pa­trol ve­hi­cles were parked along Dun­can, Nel­son and Duke Streets. Sev­er­al gun­shots were heard but po­lice were not will­ing to pro­vide any in­for­ma­tion.

Sev­er­al res­i­dents were heard hurl­ing ver­bal threats to some of the re­turn­ing res­i­dents, with a cou­ple of scuf­fles erupt­ing which were stopped by of­fi­cers.

Me­dia per­son­nel present were al­so warned by some res­i­dents about film­ing ac­tiv­i­ty in the area.

Po­lice of­fi­cers al­so ap­proached the me­dia ad­vis­ing those present to leave as they feared the vi­o­lence may get worse.

By 7.15 pm, of­fi­cers con­firmed that GEB of­fi­cers had been sum­moned to do crowd con­trol in the area.

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