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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Police officer among 4 charged with fraud


832 days ago

A po­lice of­fi­cer is among 4 peo­ple charged with land fraud. The sus­pects are ex­pect­ed to ap­pear in court to­day af­ter be­ing charged by the An­ti-Cor­rup­tion In­ves­ti­ga­tions Bu­reau (ACIB).

The fol­low­ing is a press re­lease from the TTPS:

A Con­sta­ble of Po­lice is among four per­sons charged by of­fi­cers of the An­ti-Cor­rup­tion In­ves­ti­ga­tions Bu­reau (ACIB), with land fraud this week.

PC CUR­TIS PIERRE, 50, last at­tached to Cen­tral Di­vi­sion and SANDY DHANASS­ER PIERRE, 38, of Cunu­pia were joint­ly charged with three counts of Pos­ses­sion of Forged Doc­u­ments,

PC Pierre was al­so charged with three counts of Fraud­u­lent­ly Caus­ing the Ac­cep­tance of a Valu­able Se­cu­ri­ty,

PC Pierre, GER­MAINE CAS­SAN­DRA PIERRE, 48, of Cunu­pia and CHEZ BRATH­WAITE, 46, of Ch­agua­nas, were charged with one count each of Con­spir­a­cy to De­fraud,

PC Pierre and Brath­waite were joint­ly charged with one Count of Con­spir­a­cy to De­fraud, and,

PC Pierre, Brath­waite and Dhanass­er-Pierre were joint­ly charged with one count of Con­spir­a­cy to De­fraud.

Cas­san­dra-Pierre and Dhanass­er-Pierre were grant­ed bail with sure­ty by a Jus­tice of the Peace in the sum of $150,000 and or­dered to ap­pear be­fore an Ari­ma Mag­is­trate on No­vem­ber 3rd, 2022. PC Pierre was re­mand­ed in­to cus­tody on out­stand­ing war­rants. PC Pierre and Brath­waite, who was al­so re­mand­ed in­to cus­tody, are sched­uled to ap­pear be­fore a Port of Spain Mag­is­trate, to­day Wednes­day 2nd No­vem­ber, 2022.

Re­ports in­di­cate that in Ju­ly 2022, per­son­nel at­tached to the Land Man­age­ment Di­vi­sion of the Com­mis­sion­er of State Lands Of­fice, dis­cov­ered three fraud­u­lent Stan­dard Agri­cul­tur­al Leas­es for 90 acres of State lands pur­port­ed­ly leased to three per­sons.

It was al­so dis­cov­ered that the leas­es were fraud­u­lent­ly reg­is­tered at the Reg­is­trar Gen­er­al Of­fice of Trinidad and To­ba­go on Oc­to­ber 12th, 2022. Sev­er­al sig­na­tures, in­clu­sive of the Act­ing Com­mis­sion­er of State Lands and At­tor­neys at­tached to the Chief State So­lic­i­tor’s Of­fice were all found to be forged.

A re­port was made to the po­lice and of­fi­cers of the ACIB con­duct­ed ex­ten­sive and painstak­ing en­quiries su­per­vised by Snr. Supt. Den­nis Knutt and Supt. Singh, dur­ing the pe­ri­od Ju­ly 2022 and Oc­to­ber 2022. As a re­sult of the in­ves­ti­ga­tions, ASP (Ag.) Bry­on Daniel, along with W/In­sp. Mc Mil­lan, Sgts. Bald­win and Co­dring­ton, Cpl Brown, WPCs Hare­wood and Loney-Phillip and PC Williams, aid­ed by mul­ti­ple in­tel­li­gence agen­cies, ex­e­cut­ed search war­rants at the homes of four per­sons which led to the seizure of cer­ti­fied copies of forged Stan­dard Agri­cul­tur­al Leas­es. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, the sum of TT$146,200 was al­so found and seized at the home of two of the sus­pects.

It is cur­rent­ly the sub­ject of a Fi­nan­cial In­ves­ti­ga­tions Bu­reau en­quiry. Charges were laid against the four ac­cused by WPC Loney-Phillip of the ACIB. Five per­sons have now been charged with land fraud in the past month.

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