Political leader of the United National Congress (UNC), Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC MP, has revealed that her party has begun talks with other parties to fight the upcoming Local Government election.
However, in response, leaders of the other political parties whom Guardian Media spoke with today are insisting that any coalition talks with the UNC must be about national unity.
Political leader of the National Transformation Alliance (NTA), Gary Griffith, said the focus should not only be seen as simply a uniting of parties, but uniting the nation.
Griffith stated that the country has seen too much hatred, division, victimization and intimidation over the last eight years.
Political leader of the Progressive Party, Nikoli Edwards, said there are many lessons that should have been learnt from the last People's Partnership arrangement and many lessons that the population has taken away from that experience.
He added that any interest in a coalition has to be genuine and focused on not simply removing the People’s National Movement (PNM) from office but rather, providing the kind of representation that the people deserve.
Edwards said his party would always promote sensible collaboration but noted it has to be meaningful and strategic, with “country above all” as its mandate.
Meanwhile, the Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) said it is open to discussions with the UNC. Political leader Watson Duke told Guardian Media his party regards the upcoming election as crucial.
Duke stated that failing to remove the PNM from power will mean waiting for another 20 or 30 years to try again. He said citizens of the country are aware of the necessity for change.
And political leader of Unity of the People (UTP), Nikosy Phillips, said the party has no problem collaborating. However, Phillips noted the UNC has made statements in the past that do not align with the UTP’s philosophy.
With that in mind, the UTP leader said the party’s secretary will write to Mrs Persad-Bissessar to set up a meeting, adding that if the goal is to protect citizens, the UTP will be open to talks.