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Friday, March 7, 2025

Presbyterian church may open doors to migrants


Radhica De Silva
2142 days ago
Newly elected Moderator of the Presbyterian church Reverend Joy Abdul Mohan.

Newly elected Moderator of the Presbyterian church Reverend Joy Abdul Mohan.


New­ly-in­stalled mod­er­a­tor of the Pres­by­ter­ian Church Rev­erend Joy Ab­dul-Mo­han says the Pres­by­ter­ian church­es will con­sid­er open­ing their schools and church­es to Venezue­lan mi­grants and refugees.

Speak­ing to the me­dia af­ter be­ing of­fi­cial­ly ap­point­ed unan­i­mous­ly by the Pres­by­ter­ian cler­gy and syn­od, Ab­dul-Mo­han said she planned to con­tin­ue the poli­cies of her pre­de­ces­sor Annabell Lal­la-Ramkelawan and pi­o­neer changes for the ad­vance­ment of women and the un­der­priv­i­leged.

The for­mer In­de­pen­dent Sen­a­tor is the third con­sec­u­tive woman to be ap­point­ed to the po­si­tion as mod­er­a­tor.

She said some of the chal­lenges fac­ing T&T in­clud­ed the break­down of fam­i­ly life, crime, vi­o­lence and hope­less­ness among peo­ple.

Asked how she in­tend­ed to tack­le the grad­ual de­cline of mem­ber­ship in the Pres­by­ter­ian church, Ab­dul-Mo­han said she planned to de­vel­op a strate­gic plan to reach out to the op­pressed.

Asked whether the church planned to open its schools for Venezue­lan mi­grants and refugees, Ab­dul-Mo­han said: “Yes, that’s on the list. The Pres­by­ter­ian church has is­sued state­ments con­cern­ing the cur­rent is­sues of crime, vi­o­lence and hu­man traf­fick­ing. We are con­cerned about it.”

She said their sis­ter church­es in Cana­da and the Unit­ed States had al­so opened their doors to refugees.

“It is part of our re­spon­si­bil­i­ties to seek out the lost, the op­pressed, the ex­ploit­ed and mar­gin­alised. We al­so have to be mind­ful that there may be crim­i­nal el­e­ments with­in that group of peo­ple. They are hu­man just like us. If there is one thing our faith stands for in Christ is that we must em­brace all as hu­mans,” she added.

Ab­dul-Mo­han al­so said politi­cians must go back to ba­sics and look af­ter the needs of the com­mu­ni­ty.

“I think we are lack­ing that from the top to the bot­tom,” she said.

Asked whether she planned to take a stance on the is­sue of equal rights for the LGBTQ com­mu­ni­ty, Ab­dul-Mo­han said a task force had been ap­point­ed to look at this.

“It in­cludes all stake­hold­ers. Peo­ple need to be ed­u­cat­ed to un­der­stand what af­fects the life of an in­di­vid­ual whether it is for women, the un­der­priv­i­leged or those of a dif­fer­ent sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion,” she added.

She not­ed that the Pres­by­ter­ian church­es of Cana­da and Unit­ed States took years to make a pro­nounce­ment on same-sex mar­riage and the church was split down the mid­dle.

“We don’t want to be that way, we are al­ready small in num­bers. We will do the re­search and make a state­ment that will be in­clu­sive and in­clude God’s peo­ple as we see them. The com­mit­tee has on­ly met two or three times. We have to main­tain our be­liefs in terms of what is ap­plied in re­la­tion to our doc­trines and what is law-abid­ing,” she added.

She said do­ing the re­search on same-sex re­la­tions was jus­ti­fi­able.

“We are bas­ing the re­search on the gospel of love and there will be eq­ui­ty, equal­i­ty and re­spect for all. The love of Christ preached un­con­di­tion­al love. Our prin­ci­ples are based on the gospel of un­con­di­tion­al love,” she added.

She not­ed that the Syn­od will present a re­port which will be shared with all the mem­ber­ship.

Ab­dul-Mo­han added that the Board of Youth Af­fairs and the Na­tion­al Youth Co­or­di­na­tor will con­tin­ue its mem­ber­ship dri­ve to reach out to peo­ple who feel they are on the fringes of the church.

“We will reach out to them and bring them back to the folds of the church,” she added.

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