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Friday, February 21, 2025

Principals association congratulates Guaico on Jnr Panorama win


Chester Sambrano
1851 days ago
Players from the Guaico Presbyterian Primary School during their winning performance of Savannah Grass in the Primary Schools category in the National Junior Panorama finals, at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain, Sunday

Players from the Guaico Presbyterian Primary School during their winning performance of Savannah Grass in the Primary Schools category in the National Junior Panorama finals, at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain, Sunday


The Na­tion­al Pri­ma­ry Schools Prin­ci­pals As­so­ci­a­tion (NAPSPA) is to­day ex­tend­ing con­grat­u­la­tions to Guaico Pres­by­ter­ian Pri­ma­ry School on re­tain­ing the Na­tion­al Ju­nior Panora­ma (Pri­ma­ry) cham­pi­onship.

In a me­dia re­lease, NAPSPA Pres­i­dent Lance Mot­t­ley ac­knowl­edges all the Pri­ma­ry Schools that par­tic­i­pat­ed in the re­cent­ly con­clud­ed Na­tion­al Ju­nior Panora­ma Com­pe­ti­tion.

He says NAPSPA con­grat­u­lates the twelve Pri­ma­ry Schools which made it to the fi­nals at the Queens Park Sa­van­nah yes­ter­day.

He adds, how­ev­er, his As­so­ci­a­tion wish­es to ex­tend very spe­cial con­grat­u­la­tions to the Guaico Pres­by­ter­ian Pri­ma­ry School and by ex­ten­sion, the North East­ern Ed­u­ca­tion Dis­trict for its suc­cess­ful de­fence of the ti­tle in this year's com­pe­ti­tion.

Mot­ley says in the con­text of the holis­tic de­vel­op­ment of each child, NAPSPA rec­og­nizes the con­tri­bu­tion of the en­tire staff of the school, the mu­si­cal arranger, the par­ents and all oth­er stake­hold­ers in as­sist­ing the chil­dren in the de­vel­op­ment of their mu­si­cal tal­ents.

Fi­nal­ly, he says, as a pro­fes­sion­al body, NAPSPA wish­es to reaf­firm its com­mit­ment to part­ner­ing with the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion’s Mul­ti­cul­tur­al Mu­sic Pro­gramme Unit in en­sur­ing that a vi­able mu­sic pro­gramme is de­vel­oped for all pri­ma­ry schools in the coun­try.

This, it be­lieves will add more flesh to the con­cept of the holis­tic de­vel­op­ment of each child.

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